Devin Berry

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I'm a stay at home Mom with two adorable children and a BURNING desire to help other Moms seek their fullest potential! Whether it's daily motivation, kid tips/tricks, cleaning, shopping, home decor or cooking, my feed is purely about Motherhood and to help other Moms become better everyday. :)

Location Sanford , Florida United states
Member Since JANUARY 16, 2019
Social Audience 102K
thebassettway 80K Last Month Last 3 Months
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toptrainersupplements 22K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Our worth is not negotiated with other people 🩷

Photo dump of the last week 😍

My soul belongs in the sun ☀️✨

Let them think you’re a little insane 😇😉

Mother’s Day special interview by @timkennedymma 🙏🏻 Such an honor to sit down and talk about the importance of being physically fit for the sake of motherhood. Fitness has shaped who I am as a person and more importantly how I show up as a mom to my kids 🩷 You can watch the full interview including @hannaheden_fitness on Tim’s YouTube channel.

I spent years hating myself while pretending to like myself. I would hide my true feelings of how I felt about myself behind achievements, accolades, trophies, speaking engagements etc. On the outside everything seemed “perfect” Perfect career, perfect family, and full time freedom. All while I was dying inside. This wasn’t my truest version of myself. I wasn’t meant to wear suits, speak to people about finances and grind 25/7. Something didn’t feel in alignment. So I began on a journey of growth. One that I avoided for so long… The work. Looking at all the shitty behaviors I had and sitting in the truth of why I decided to cope the way I did. For me the journey to coming back home to myself is so far beyond the physical aspect. Of course it’s great to feel confident in my own skin, to be able to push my body harder now in my 30s than I did in my 20s etc. But the mental resiliency, the inner acceptance and grit I have built trumps anything else. These are things we can’t buy, they are only earned through consistency and hard work. If you want to know the formula that took me from a depressed state of self hate to now living in radical authentic self acceptance - fill out the Wholistically YOU application form in my bio. Applications for Wholistically YOU are still open 🔥 but closing SOON.

My self acceptance journey has been my favorite journey yet 🦋🫶🏻🩷

To change your life is to change your energy—to change your energy, you must change how you think, how you act, and how you feel. When you begin to change your energy, you will begin to change your life. 🦋🩷🫶🏻 - Dr Joe Dispenza @drjoedispenza

If you’ve been following me for years you know that I’ve completely burnt my life to the ground to start over. Many ego deaths. Tons of goodbyes. All in the search of finding my truth. Many people may look at me and think I’m absolutely batsh*t crazy, and I can’t argue that lol….. But one thing I refuse to do is live a life full of regrets and spend years doing things I don’t actually want to do. This last year I have spent taking inventory of the relationships I’m in, the people I’m around, the places I go, the habits I have etc. All in hopes that I am working towards the ✨highest version✨of me That’s why I created my Wholistically YOU program 🤍 I could see women struggling through the same problems I once had… anxiety, not feeling safe to express themselves without self judgement, stuck in sh*tty relationships/friendships, poor boundaries and behaviors, putting everyone before you…. The list could go on for years. If you want to know how to break through these patterns, head to my bio & download my free Wholistically YOU 7 step guide 🫶🏻✨

A weekend full of love, friendship, laughter and dancing for my queen @latticehudson 🩷🫶🏻🥳

Your daily habits may not match the person you aspire to be. You often say you want to feel confident and comfortable in our own skin, but are you taking the steps necessary to achieve that? Everyone’s journey is unique, but avoiding the work needed to grow can trap you in a cycle of “what if.” You know the actions you need to take to reach your goals; it’s about making those actions part of our daily routine. If you need help figuring out where to even start - download my free guide in my bio! I am here to help you get one step closer to a better YOU 🫶🏻🦋

YOUR SELF SABOTAGING BEHAVIORS 😳 People may not recognize or confront their self-sabotaging patterns for several reasons: 1. **Lack of Awareness**: Sometimes, people are simply not aware of their self-sabotaging behaviors. These patterns can become ingrained over time and may be difficult to recognize without outside perspective or introspection. 2. **Comfort Zone**: Self-sabotaging behaviors can feel familiar and safe, even if they are not beneficial. Stepping out of these patterns may require confronting uncomfortable truths or fears. 3. **Fear of Change**: Changing self-sabotaging patterns can mean stepping into the unknown, which can be daunting. People may fear change or the potential consequences of trying something different. 4. **Avoidance of Responsibility**: Recognizing self-sabotaging patterns can mean accepting responsibility for one’s actions and decisions, which can be challenging for some. 5. **Low Self-Esteem**: People with low self-esteem may struggle to believe they deserve better, so they continue with self-sabotaging patterns. 6. **Emotional Blockages**: Unresolved emotional issues or trauma can lead to self-sabotage. People may avoid confronting these emotions due to the pain or difficulty involved. 7. **Cognitive Biases**: Cognitive biases such as confirmation bias or denial can prevent people from acknowledging their self-sabotaging behaviors. 8. **External Validation**: Sometimes, external feedback or validation is needed to recognize patterns, but people may not receive honest or constructive feedback from those around them. If you want help knowing how to break through your self sabotaging behaviors that are no longer serving you download my [FREE] guide in my bio!

After months in the making….. Wholistically YOU is finally open for the application process 🦋🤍🫶🏻 Transform your life with Wholistically YOU, the ultimate program for self-discovery and growth. This program is designed to help you unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself. With Wholistically YOU, you’ll learn how to cultivate a positive mindset, improve your physical health, and strengthen your relationships. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect: Unlock your full potential: Wholistically YOU will help you identify and overcome any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals. Improve your physical health: You’ll learn how to make healthy choices that will improve your energy levels, boost your immune system, and help you feel your best. Strengthen your relationships: You’ll learn how to communicate effectively, build deeper connections, and create a supportive community around you. Cultivate a positive mindset: You’ll learn how to reframe negative thoughts, develop a growth mindset, and cultivate a positive outlook on life. Don’t wait any longer to start living the life you deserve. Fill out the application form in my bio for a Wholistically YOU now and start your journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

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