Italy Travel Adventures


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Michela Fantinel Created by Michela Fantinel OCTOBER 20, 2018

Exploring the lesser-known places of Italy. From small villages to parks and nature reserves to biking and walking trails, to mountain treks and more.

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Italy Travel Adventures (3)
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    This beautiful trip starts in San Daniele del Friuli (Province of Udine), a town famous for its raw ham, in fact I recommend a nice lunch at Prosciutteria IE San Daniele, where you can eat a very good ham and also visit the ham museum upstairs . After lunch, our trip to the lakes begins just a few minutes away by car, the first is the Ragogna lake to follow the Cornino lake and finally the largest of all, the Cavazzo lake. Finally we come to Lake Cavazzo, the particularity of this lake and which bathes the territory of three municipalities, Cavazzo Carnico, Bordano and Trasaghis, in fact it is also called the lake of the 3 municipalities. This is a photographic trip for everyone, simple sneakers are enough, I recommend bringing a zoom lens (at least 300mm) to photograph the fauna, especially if you want to do birdwatching but also a lens for long exposures and therefore also a tripod and filters ND, for spectacular photos on the lakes, pay attention only to the reflection of the sun on the lake during rush hour.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 24, 2021
    In-Game Photography: the new era of photography

    Some prefer to call it Virtual Photography others Video Game Photography or Gaming Photography but the goal is always the same, to photograph within a video game. Many will have noticed, especially in video games released in recent years, such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla or Ghost of Tsushima, have a real photo mode within the game, to fully satisfy the desire to photograph scenarios, highlights and/or portraits of their favorite characters. The most famous case is certainly by Eva and Franco Mattes with their project 13 Most Beautiful Avatars, a series of portraits depicting avatars from the famous Second Life video game, which was exhibited at the Postmasters Gallery in New York Not to mention Duncan Harrys, became famous for taking pictures of him on Dishonored, made thanks to a mod that allowed him to modify the source code to shoot freely. Those photos were so beautiful that Arkane Studios hired him for other photographic work within their video games.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 07, 2021
    The 3 best free apps to edit your photos

    Smartphone photography is now a reality that should not be underestimated, as well as being within everyone’s reach, there are many photo competitions that are emerging, among the most famous and the longest-running, we can mention the iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS). Among the classic tools, we find: Sharpness, White Balance, Crop, Black and White, Perspective, Correction, Calibrate, HDR and much more. In addition to the classic editing tools, we can create photographic colleges, add frames and captions, and finally merge multiple photos with Double Exposure. There is also the Premium version with even more content, prices vary depending on the subscription you choose to make, € 2.19 for the monthly one or € 8.99 for the annual one.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 04, 2021
    165 years of The RPS Journal, available now for free

    The Royal Photographic Society Journal is the longest-running periodical photography journal in the world and to date has covered all the artistic and technical developments in photography. Now on the website, the digital archive of all the issues published from 1853 to 2018 is finally available for free. The digital archive is only available until 2018 as “ The Journal” is still in print.

  • Photo agencies, how and to whom to propose.

    Certainly one of the “first” steps to take to become a professional photographer (freelance) is to propose yourself to photo agencies, but what exactly are photo agencies? The photographer therefore only has to think about shooting that the agency thinks about the sale and the customers also have more guarantees, a good customer service, the possibility of accessing an archive and the possibility of commissioning works. The easiest method to propose to agencies is certainly to contact them by email or to take a nice trip to Milan (where there are most of the agencies) and show them your photo album. * Share your social networks (for example your Facebook page) and / or your photo site with your portfolio or send at least 10 of your photographic works.

  • Photography in the time of the coronavirus

    So I would like to give you some tips to practice photography even during the quarantine During all this free time that we are, you can relate to all the shots that in the previous months or even years, you have discarded. If among the old shots you find something good, try to propose to some online magazine and not your own shots, it is one of the ideas to try to round in this period. Get to know other photographers Between forums and facebook groups, this is an excellent opportunity to meet other photographers, exchange ideas, criticisms and opinions. Look for collaborations with new models, models and / or cosplayers, but also MUA and / or Hairstylist (maybe even a working collaboration comes out)

  • A day in Smirne "Izmir"

    Smirne or better known as Izmir, is a city located in the central-western part of Turkey, and is the third most populous city after Instanbul and Ankara. Located in the Konak district in the city center, there is one of the most beautiful squares in the city, in the center of which we find The clock tower, was designed by French architect Raymond Charles Père and built in 1901 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Abdülhamid II’s accession to the throne Asansör is a panoramic tower with a 360 ° view of the city. It is always located in the city center Founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, revolutionary statesman and first president of Turkey, the Izmir Atatürk Museum was opened to the public on 11 September 1941, on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of Atatürk’s arrival in Izmir. To conclude this trip to Izmir, the perfect place is to go for a ride to the huge Bazaar, where you can find and buy everything, spices, fabrics and souvenirs, as well as taste typical dishes and drink delicious teas For a one-day trip since you will have to walk a lot

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 16, 2020
    A week on the island of Chios (Greece)

    … to a trip I made in August 2015, to the island of Chios, in Greek Χίος, Chios, a week to discover this island known to me at the time. Departure from Ljubljana airport (Slovenia), a flight that did not last very long, if I remember correctly 2 and a half hours, with an abrupt landing to say the least as Chios airport has one of the shortest runways in the world. But let’s talk about food, including supermarkets, restaurants and fast food, in the end we almost always ate Pita Gyros (Greek dish, similar to doner or shawarma) or Feta salad (typical Greek cheese), perhaps only for 2 dinners did I eat some fish caught in the area. Mesta can be defined as a medieval village and Pirgy is famous for being the “painted village”, I recommend walking through the streets of these 2 beautiful villages.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K FEBRUARY 03, 2020
    GANPaint Studio: the AI that edits your photos

    The AI (artificial intelligence) is now used in many fields, to facilitate and reduce working times, therefore it is often used also in photography, especially in the use of photo retouching. Today I present to you the latest news of this modern technology; it’s called GANPaint Studio. It’s a project born from the union of researchers from MIT CSAIL, IBM Research and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, the application they created allows uploading a photo, to manipulate it with a simple brush, for example adding a tree or some clouds in the sky or removing one person too many from the photo, all trying to make everything seem as real as possible. A free demo version is currently available, however the photos and changes are in low resolution and don’t make much, but in the future we could certainly see the evolution of this technology that will certainly change the way you post-produce your photographs.

  • Larissa Antoni 4K JANUARY 23, 2020
    The Orrido dello Slizza, a breathtaking route (Italy)

    Shortly after the city of Tarvisio, a few kilometers from the border with Austria, there is the Orrido della Slizza, a breathtaking path surrounded by nature, to be precise in the gorge of the Slizza torrent. At the end of the descent, a path of about 2 hours awaits you, a walk along the left bank of the Slizza. You can easily enjoy the crystal clear water of the stream, enter a small gallery, admire the surrounding greenery and end your journey on top of a bridge, also during the climb you will have the opportunity to see an 18-meter waterfall that the Rio Molino makes for jump into Slizza. the path isn’t difficult but the walkways aren’t very stable so good trekking shoes are highly recommended!

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