Personal Finance Partners for LifeLock


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


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May 17

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Dec 09

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Nov 25

Audience 3M
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 21 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 794K
  • 394K
  • 132K
  • 2K
  • Business and Finance
  • Careers
  • Career Advice
  • Telecommuting
  • Events and Attractions
  • Family and Relationships
  • Personal Finance
  • Financial Planning
  • Personal Investing
  • Shopping
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Personal Finance Partners for LifeLock (34)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Is Spending Money An Addiction?

    It’s true, addiction is most often associated with things like substance use or gambling, but it can even extend to things like food, exercise, or spending money. If you’re wondering if spending money is an addiction for you, ask yourself if you have a feeling of excitement when spending money commonly spend more than you can afford shop instead of spend time with people or working feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or confused after shopping or spending hide purchases and receipts or lie about purchases feel lost having no access to your credit cards or checks feeling anxious when you don’t shop for a period of time * have a feeling of excitement when spending money * commonly spend more than you can afford * shop instead of spend time with people or working * feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, or confused after shopping or spending * hide purchases and receipts or lie about purchases * feel lost having no access to your credit cards or checks Many people are able to recover from compulsive spending through a supportive program like Debtors Anonymous or a like-minded community like my Crush Your Debt group.

  • Shannon Cairns 156K MARCH 25, 2021
    Storage Solutions and Hacks

    Now let’s showcase some of the best ways to organize your small kitchen Silicone Lids If you store your spices in a cabinet then this Spicey Shelf is ideal for your kitchen needs (plus there are ways to use it in the bathroom for beauty products too!) You can choose from a coffee cup tree that you can have on your counter OR take it up use a wall-hanging coffee cup hanger. You can use this handy dandy magnetic k-cup storage that hooks right onto your machine OR use a k-cup storage bin.

  • How to Get Your Budget Back on Track in 7 Easy Ways

    This may happen as you’re forking over cash throughout the month, but it’s worth looking over a few months of bank statements and determining where your money has really been going. If you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel and cannot gain any traction toward your savings or debt payment goals, sometimes flipping your whole budget on its head can be a fresh start. But once you know what you’re spending, and you’re serious about adjusting it to meet your actual budget, stashing the credit cards can be one way of facing facts. If you struggle to stay on track with the budget you’ve created, it’s time to re-think your plan for getting out of debt.

  • How Should a Beginner Budget?

    If you don’t have a plan for your money, you won’t be able to make decisions like what vacation can you go on this year, can you send your kids to private school, when will I be able to retire, or should you agree to go out to dinner with friends this weekend. Maybe you or your spouse have a job that varies in income each month, something like sales or food service where your commission or hours are uncertain month to month. Fixed expenses are those with fixed or set amounts each month, so they don’t change month to month. Knowing what you want to achieve with your money whether it’s paying off debt, saving for a vacation, buying an investment property, or planning for retirement gives you something to work toward.

  • Shannon Cairns 156K MARCH 18, 2021
    Beef Recipes for Dinner

    We’ve got some great tips on how to save money on beef in addition to recipes that you can use for multiple cuts of beef! Slow Cooker Pot Roast – Slow Cooker recipes are always a hit in every family, plus the cook is appreciative of them because it’s less time standing over a stove For those needing Gluten-free options, here’s an easy-to-follow and healthy Instant Pot recipe to follow! In addition, add it with just about any meal and it gives it that extra taste that completes the meal, plus it’s very filling!

  • Mark J. Kohler 142K MARCH 18, 2021
    IRS moves Deadline to May 17th- What it Really Means! - Mark J Kohler

    This morning the IRS announced they will postpone the typical April 15th tax-filing deadline for individual’s 1040 filing (only) to May 17th. None You can still file a 5-month extension (with Form 4868 ) on May 17th, allowing you to file your actual 1040 tax return up until October 15th, 2021. In fact, if you owe taxes on your 1040 and foresee that you won’t be able to pay by May 17th, see my other article: “ if they don’t file the penalties won’t change, OR the extension covers them past October 15th.

  • You Can Get Out of Debt Fast With No Money

    The most important thing when you are trying to budget with no money is to make your budget a reflection of their values. As you have a clear understanding of where your money goes each month, what your monthly bills are, and what your income is, you can begin to make a debt payoff plan. Get creative with making some extra money, and use this to get out of debt fast with no money. To get a jumpstart on getting out of debt fast with no money, I invite you to join my Crush Your Debt Course where I go over step by step everything you need to know about financial freedom and instilling lasting change.

  • Quick Waikiki Chicken Recipe

    This Easy Waikiki Chicken Recipe First, heat a couple of Tablespoons of oil in a large skillet over medium heat. I hope your family loves this Waikiki chicken recipe as much as my family has! If you are looking for more easy recipes, be sure to check out my Recipe eBook, Mel’s Home Cooking. This is the spot where I shared our family favorite, quick to fix recipes for easier home cooking!

  • Inexpensive birthday party ideas at home

    Some ideas could be choosing a favorite flavor cake (or a unique dessert they enjoy if they don’t like cake), letting your son or daughter dress in a favorite outfit for the day; or everyone wearing something with the birthday child’s favorite color. The important thing to remember when planning some inexpensive birthday party ideas at home is to still treat it like a special day. This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I hope I sparked some creative juices flowing with inexpensive birthday party ideas at home. Consider ideas like game night, a spa day, a craft-ernoon, or an escape room as things you can do together to laugh, have fun, and make memories.

  • Shannon Cairns 156K MARCH 13, 2021
    DIY Mother's Day Gift Ideas

    Skip the traditional ideas of gifts for Mother’s Day and make something personal and heartfelt this year with these amazing DIY Mother’s Day Gift ideas! A great way to show mom every single day a reason why she is so loved and appreciated! Another great way you can use flowers, these homemade bath bombs take a few more supplies to create but you can create a bunch with just those few supplies! DIY Upcycled T-Shirt Bag – Use an old band t-shirt or one of their outgrown shirts they still have so much love for and turn it into something they can continue to use and love!

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