Interstitial Cystitis Partners


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

BBK Worldwide Created by BBK Worldwide AUGUST 08, 2023

Influencer partners who talk about IC

Post on Instagram
May 16

Post on Instagram
Apr 05

Join a Brainstorm Session
Aug 10

Audience 15K
  • 15K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 1 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • Healthy Living
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Interstitial Cystitis Partners (4)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Medical Misogyny in Women's Healthcare

    One of the most shared and engaged with posts on The Happy Pelvis Instagram, is one that points out the difference in a man’s medical treatment versus a woman’s, when it comes to going to see their doctor about pelvic pain. It seems as though medicine hasn’t considered many women’s conditions or diseases to be very urgent or have not considered our pelvic pain to be ‘real’ conditions at all. Women have been left out of medical studies for a number of reasons, like constant hormonal changes, including a concern about the risks to them and their reproduction (Ironic, isn’t it?), but a main reason was that researchers found it easier to study only men. The thought of so many doctors having the view of “many women live with pelvic pain, it’s normal”, directly shows that gender bias and limited thinking of medical professionals has halted correct care and research in any effort to better understanding these female dominated conditions.

  • Why I use Cannabis for my Chronic Illness

    After I smoke cannabis, I feel a sense of calm that relaxes my muscles (An absolute need with my Pelvic Floor Dysfunction) and my thoughts begin to improve from the stressful state I’m in when dealing with pain. Immune balancing: called “immuno-modulation,” immune balance occurs with the help of Marijuana molecules such as Anadeamide (AEA), and cannabinoids, helping the immune system fight the disease and not the patient. THC, the notorious part of the plant that causes the “high” feeling, has numerous medical benefits including: anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, anti-depressant, anti-nausea, appetite stimulant, pain relieving, reduces blood pressure, eases glaucoma pressure, and acts against cancer. Do you suffer from a chronic illness and use Cannabis to help your pelvic pain symptoms?

  • Why Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously

    Following the painful cystoscopy with no local anesthesia, in a cold surgical room, I was I told by this doctor that nothing was wrong with the anatomy of my bladder and that “many women get urinary tract infections, so proper hygiene is key and to wipe front to back. It’s not only every day women speaking up about getting dismissed by medical professionals on their personal blogs, there is a lot of academic research to back it up. They found that when patients were complaining of the same level of severe abdominal pain, men waited an average of 49 minutes before being treated, while women had waited for an average of 65 minutes. Since medical professionals not only take women’s pain less seriously than men’s, but often misdiagnose it as being emotionally driven or “

  • New Year, Same Pajamas: 2020

    As I sit here writing this, I think back to 2018 when I wrote my last New Year blog post, about all that I had accomplished in 2018 despite my setbacks and thought to myself, “ When I became bathroom and bed ridden at the ripe age of 28, I was angry. Angry that I wasn’t able to take my pain away. I know that no matter what happens, I’m going to be okay because I have family and friends who will help me get through it.

  • 10 Spoonie Christmas Gift Ideas

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year again so you may be wondering what you should put on your own or a loved ones gift list, my Spoonie Christmas Gift Idea suggestions are things or items that I’ve found that help me to cope with being home and in pain much of the time or things that I would personally buy or use. As someone living with chronic pain, I often struggle with comparing myself with others who are able to keep up the pace of visiting friends and family, eating whatever they want, plus being able to parent, tend appointments and activities as the holiday season starts. You can also buy super cute gift boxes that come along with your Amazon giftcard, like this: Shopping for someone with chronic pain or chronic illness doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. Do you have any great suggestions to add to this Spoonie gift guide for loved ones with chronic illness?

  • My Urinary Tract Infection Natural Protocol

    D-Mannose is a natural sugar that provides a preferred surface for E. Coli bacteria to attach to, preventing them from sticking to the walls of the bladder and lower urinary tract. I have Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome, and getting an infection adds on to the pain my bladder already feels and sets back my progress in healing my bladder wall. If the debilitating burning and pain has stopped, instead of 3 times a day, only take the 3 pill dose, 2 times per day. To prevent infection during triggering events like exercise, intimacy and travelling, I will take these steps: • take 3 Uva Ursi before intimacy and 3 pills/day, for 3 days following With this protocol, treating my urinary tract infections has become a lot more manageable because I can start it at the very first signs of an oncoming infection.

  • Top 10 Chronic Illness Podcasts

    The Story of My Grandma’s Life with Interstitial Cystitis and Vulvodynia Hosts Jeremie, Brian, and Taylor hangout and have an unapologetic, unpolished and unfiltered discussion about what it’s like to live life with a disease, in the hopes of finding humour in an otherwise taboo and sometimes dark subject. Host Shelly, talks about living with various types of pain whether it be emotional or physical and shares inspiring stories of others living with chronic pain. Her podcast focuses on holistic health, and topics like using essential oils, crystals, and your intuition in your healing journey. Host Sharon, shares stories about living with chronic illness and autoimmune conditions.

  • Art Therapy Ideas For Chronic Pain

    By taking the chance on the colour that calls to you; the random placement of the brush on the canvas or paper; the shape or the image that wants to come to life, you are learning to stay present in the face of whatever comes your way, good or bad. Accepting your circumstances and being more kind and proud of yourself when living with a chronic illness is not easy, but by taking part in art therapy, it can help you learn techniques to begin to be kinder, more gentle with yourself. Thus, by learning to turn off that judgement through art therapy, someone with chronic pain could benefit from the painting technique when learning how stay present and open to experiences. This amazing 33 Piece Acrylic Painting Starter Set that has a table easel, acrylic paint, canvas & accessories gives you everything you need to get started on your own work of art.

  • Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffin Recipe // Recipe

    … and I’m already on the look out for a new gluten free pumpkin dessert recipes to try out for Thanksgiving! I’ll eat gluten free pumpkin muffins for breakfast and/or even dessert! not only because it’s a fall staple, but also because it’s healthy and works so well in so many baking recipes. These easy gluten free pumpkin muffins are filled with pure pumpkin, fall spices and even some chocolate chips if you’re up to it!

  • One year after my Endometriosis Diagnosis

    I know first hand, from my own Endometriosis diagnosis that Endometriosis treatment isn’t just excision, it’s a combination of therapies + a complete lifestyle change. I personally believe that the first step to the solution is to better educate OBGYN’s and medical students about women’s pain and chronic pelvic pain. Getting more awareness out there to increase the education on Endometriosis and pelvic pain is definitely needed to try to find new and innovative ways to treat pelvic pain conditions, like Endometriosis. @thehappypelvis has created medical binder printables that contain everything you need to organize your life + medical information, from tracking your symptoms + progress, to helpful pain reducing pelvic floor stretches, to planning your doctor appointment filled days.

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