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    This Pack includes 15 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Lifestyle Brand Friends (77)
Member Audience Pack Score

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  • God's Grace, Love and Little Reminders Through Parenting

    Don’t lie!), I will come back to this post and be grateful and to remember to not sweat the small stuff, to pick and choose my battles and to look at the bigger picture. Some days I thought for sure I was screwing them up, but God gives me beautiful reminders like today to remind me we are all doing okay. We put God first and when we all do that, things start falling into place Mama, if you are in the trenches now and feel like you are screwing everything up, step back, take a deep breathe, pray through and remember the little moments make up the big moments of life. n’t do for them or what you did to them, but start praying through, taking it slow, breathe through and watch how your attitude and your Child’s attitude changes.

  • How to Start Overcoming Domestic Violence Today

    I have read about it happening way too often to so many others, so I am hoping to share some insight on how to overcome domestic violence. whatever” to be in this situation, because it’s not like a woman goes looking for someone to treat them like dirt. It’s hard to think straight during a time like this, so you need someone with a clear perspective when the time comes to leave. If we can help save one person from losing their life then it is worth being uncomfortable to share ideas and resources to help them break free.

  • 3 Key Elements That Will Help You Overcome the Big Obstacles in Life

    We all face obstacles in our lives, and I want to tell you how I overcame a big obstacle in my life and lived to tell about it. While I was going through this process, I had to hold onto the fact that one day this story is going to help other people. Most of the time when I really trust my faith and follow my calling to tell this story, I don’t know who it is reaching. You seriously need supportive, like-minded people who are going to kick you in the butt and tell you that you are out of line.

  • It's Okay to Take a Mental Health Day

    Sharing this for all of you out there that are hard on yourself & need a mental health day. Spring forward hasn’t been nice to us, all of us as a family have run ourselves ragged with school assignments, projects, work, you name it, not to mention allergy and sinus issues we haven’t taken care of, our anxiety & depression that has been suppressed for the last few weeks. But mental health is vital and just because it is not a “physical” illness it is still an issue that needs to be dealt with accordingly. So here’s the thing, if you wake up and feel especially stressed, down, or anxious, at a level that impairs your functioning, it’s time to consider taking the day off.

  • Why The PurposeFULL Woman is Every Woman

    The PurposeFULL Woman is ready to break the shackles and over come the big obstacles in life with God The PurposeFULL Woman Ministry is a safe place for all women to come together and talk about the real issues in life. The PurposeFULL Woman Ministry is the place where women can come together in a judgement-free zone and express their feelings, thoughts, dreams and past & present sins, all the while letting God lead and speak to us, so we can fully overcome! The PurposeFULL Woman movement is made up of Retreats, Church Events, Women’s Conferences and Workshops, small groups, e-courses, Bible studies, podcasts, Facebook Groups and so much more.

  • Perseverance in the Face of Adversity

    We’re human, we’re gonna fail at these things somedays, but we’ve got to pick ourselves back up and keep moving forward! I do believe that from what I read of him, I’m not really sure, cause I didn’t know the dude, but I mean, sure he had a hard time with depression, or anxiety, but he kept … My secret is, to keep moving forward, even on the days that it sucks, even on the days that it blows chunks, just keep moving forward. God Will Come Through With Perseverance in the Face of Adversity Perseverance, in the face of adversity.

  • Why Prosperity Gospel is Dangerous

    Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with motivational speakers, but if they claim to be Jesus followers, make sure what they are saying lines up with For the love of all that is Holy….. do the work and stop taking other people’s word for it…. Prosperity gospel or prosperity theology is defined as a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth. is Dangerous Check out my 7 Day FREE Daily Devotional so you can get started reading your Bible and grow closer to God.

  • Having a Baby During a Pandemic

    I invited Lynsey from Real Mom Tribe, because I follow her on Instagram and she handled having a baby in a pandemic so gracefully. I knew that she would be a perfect person to come and ease your mind since, a lot of people are having babies during this pandemic. Oh crap, what do we do?’ As soon as things started coming out about the pandemic our biggest questions were: What are the restrictions on the hospitals gonna be like? After the hospital, you don’t really want a lot of people to be around the baby, because you don’t know what

  • Ignorance is NOT Bliss and The Equality Act

    But, if you feel there is too much misinformation going around, which is what this article argues, then maybe you should think about why there is so much misinformation going around. Since critical thinking is not popular these days, people believe that ignorance is bliss, that what they don’t know will not hurt them, or they argue they do not have any time to research matters of the world, important matters of the world! We are too worried about the world and guess what, the world won’t and can’t help us. With The Equality Act (maybe) going into effect, I hope you realize how crucial it is right now, more than ever.

  • Amanda Middleton 49K FEBRUARY 25, 2021
    6 Ways to Be a Disciple for Jesus

    Beating your Bible won’t work, but being more like Jesus and showing love will attract more people. Speaking of a Bible Study and small group, The PurposeFULL Woman Self-Study E-Course was a labor of love for me several years back. Give The PurposeFULL Woman Self-Study E-Course to a loved one, keep for yourself or give to a group of your friends. If you sign up for The PurposeFULL Woman Self-Study E-Course let me know how it goes and/or if I can help you in anyway.

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