ADK Pride


Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


This pack is a community for bloggers and social media influencers living in the Adirondacks, connecting people from all over the beautiful area.

Post on Instagram
Jun 21

Endorse a Product
Apr 17

Endorse a Product
Mar 29

Custom Collab
Feb 26

Custom Collab
Feb 26

Custom Collab
Feb 26

Write an Article
Jan 14

Write an Article
Jan 04

Custom Collab
Dec 13

Custom Collab
Dec 12

Contribute to an Article
Nov 29

Write an Article
Nov 04

Contribute to an Article
Oct 29

Build a Perlu Pack
Oct 18

Write an Article
Oct 17

Ask the Pack
Oct 12

Trade Content
Oct 12

Audience 375K
  • 79K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 5 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 8
  • Food & Drink
  • Family and Relationships
  • Science
  • Extreme Sports
  • Fishing Sports
  • Hunting and Shooting
  • Traveling

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

ADK Pride (34)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • 6K OCTOBER 01, 2019
    Thru-Hiking the Northville Pacid Trail, NY

    After a tough 20 miles we finally arrived at Mud Lake Lean-to around 7pm to find We stopped for lunch today at a lean-to right before the trail moved north of Long Lake. The miles after lunch dragged on (as they usually do), but we made it to Moose Pond lean-to in good time and stopped to talk to some older section hikers a bit before continuing on to Wanika Falls. Kolby’s car was parked there, but the trail doesn’t technically end until 1.2 miles down the road on the town line of Lake Placid

  • 6K SEPTEMBER 23, 2019
    Keep Walking the Good Walk

    I would like to dedicate yesterday’s hike to 46Climbs and everyone out there struggling with day to day life thinking things will never get better. For the first hour, I wanted to call it quits and head back to the truck. Eventually through the struggle comes reward. Even in the bad days, you’re capable of accomplishing soo much more than you think you can!”

  • 6K SEPTEMBER 22, 2019
    Let's All Support Each Other

    I am so grateful that I am well enough both physically and mentally to be able to climb these mountains. Mike and I took part in 46Climbs to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. We engaged with many other hikers about 46Climbs and it’s mission. I hope that some day we live in a world without suicide, but until then let’s all support each other and be kind because you never know what someone might be going through.

  • 6K SEPTEMBER 21, 2019
    You Are Never Alone

    This my fourth year hiking for 46Climbs. We hike to start the conversation about mental health, stop the stigma, and raise funds to help spread education and resources for suicide prevention! And because it’s hard to not feel a little better with these views. One step at a time, one mountain at a time, and always with the support of the community.

  • 6K SEPTEMBER 20, 2019
    Healing, Help, and Hope

    Mark and I hiked over 15 miles this weekend. 46Climbs is an amazing organization based around hiking and mental health support that started in Upstate NY; all proceeds go towards the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. In case you didn’t know, September is National Suicide Prevention month. Simply by having conversations we are beginning to take action to promote healing, provide help and give so many people

  • Inlet Continues Adult Easter Egg Hunt Tradition -

    , the Inlet Youth Commission’s egg hunting tradition always coincides with the return of area school children from their two-week spring break. The children’s egg hunt starts at 1 pm and is open to all children (12 and under). Other upcoming Inlet events include the 18th Annual Community Pride Day on May 1, Fire and Spice on May 5, Otter Paddlesports on May 17-19, and the Great Adirondack Garage Sale on May 24. From her home in Saranac Lake, Diane also writes a weekly family-oriented newspaper column for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise and keeps her own blog Adirondack Family Time.

  • Agriscaping: Designing an Edible Landscape -

    Warrensburgh Beautification is set to host its Annual Spring Membership Meeting & Presentation on Wednesday evening, May 1 at Glen Lodge Bed & Breakfast in Warrensburg. The talk will focus on combining fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, vegetables, edible flowers, culinary and medicinal herbs and ornamental plants into aesthetically pleasing designs. A pot luck dinner and business meeting will be held at 6 pm, with the presentation at 7 pm. The Glen Lodge Bed & Breakfast is located at the Glen on Route 28 in Warrensburg, NY.

  • EAT ADK Adirondack Restaurant Week is May 2-9 -

    EAT ADK is also full of food- and beverage-related events such as “dinner and a movie” at the Palace Theatre and the Lake Placid Center for the Arts in Lake Placid; live music at area bars, studios and restaurants; wine appreciation and culinary classes; and wine and whiskey tastings. New this year is Long Lake’s participation in EAT ADK and organizers have scheduled a bus on Saturday, May 4 that will be operating throughout the evening to pick up and drop off residents to and from the participating restaurants. Those participating in EAT ADK are encouraged to bring prepared non-perishable, child-friendly food or snack to the restaurant. These programs help alleviate child hunger by discreetly providing hungry children with backpacks full of nutritious and easy-to-prepare food on Friday afternoons so they have food to eat throughout the weekend or during school breaks.

  • Some Old Adirondack Laws Were Nothing To Sneeze At -

    Any person who drives or leads along a public highway a wild and dangerous animal, or a vehicle or engine propelled by steam … a person of mature age shall precede such animal, vehicle, or engine by at least one-eighth of a mile, carrying a red light if in the night time, or a red flag if in the day time…. Like Singapore in modern times, Tupper Lake in 1906 (according to the Potsdam Courier) outlawed spitting on “any sidewalk or in any street, or upon any doorstep, bulkhead, or stairway adjacent to the sidewalk, or in any public place or places, or in any public stage, railroad car, ferry boat, or other public conveyance within the village, under a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Four years later, as was written in the Watertown Daily Times, the city’s board of health said there should be “a section of the charter or an ordinance prohibiting spitting on the sidewalks,” because in places, they were being used by loiterers as “large cuspidors. While Tupper Lake and Watertown were concerned about cleanliness (tobacco spit) and healthfulness, Saranac Lake’s law specifically targeted health, noting that colds, flu, whooping cough, tuberculosis, and other diseases were spread through the discharge of germs into the open air.

  • Flooding, High Waters: Current Adirondack Outdoor Conditions (Apr 18) -

    6.51 ft (4/11) Raquette River at Piercefield – 10.34 ft (4/18): 7.99 ft (4/11) AuSable River at Ausable Forks – 3.52 ft (4/18): 3.52 ft (4/11) Hudson River at North Creek – 6.80 ft (4/18): 6.93 ft (4/11) Schroon River at Riverbank (Route 11) – 7.75 ft (4/18): 6.76 ft (4/11) Lake Champlain at Whitehall – 99.13 ft (4/18): 98.31 ft (4/11) WATER TEMPERATURES: SOUTHWESTERN ADIRONDACKS Including the Old Forge Area, Black River Wild Forest, Fulton Chain Wild Forest, Ha-De-Ron-Dah Wilderness, Independence River Wild Forest, Pigeon Lake Wilderness The following Forest Preserve Access Roads in the Black River Wild Forest have been closed for mud season; Wolf Lake Landing Road (access to Bear Lake and Woodhull Lake), Mill Creek Road (access to the Gull Lake Parking Area), and Loop Road (access to campsites along North Lake). Essex Chain Lakes Complex: Gates are closed and locked, and all seasonal access roads are closed to motor vehicle use until the end of mud season, including Cornell Road, Deer Pond Road, Chain Lakes Road North, Drakes Mill Road, Camp Six Road, and Chain Lake Road South.

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