

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.


Influencers, at times, are news sources for their followers, but they're not required to be unbiased. This Pack is for influencers who regularly post about politics from the perspective of a democrat.

Take My Online Survey
Mar 24

Post on Instagram
Sep 28

Join a Focus Group
Jun 17

Join a Brainstorm Session
May 02

Custom Collab
Apr 08

Audience 2M
  • 823K
  • 356K
  • (Information)

    This Pack includes 9 profiles with YouTube accounts. Audience data for these accounts is private.

  • 1K
  • Education
  • Family and Relationships
  • Healthy Living
  • News and Politics
  • Pop Culture
  • Personal Finance
  • Travel Locations

Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Democrats (13)
Member Audience Pack Score

Pack Score: Measures a user’s influence and reach in relation to their peers within a pack. Improve your Pack Score by connecting your accounts to Perlu.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 31, 2021
    A Super Quick Update

    and I feel like I accomplished a good bit before I writing this, ready to call it a night. I just took a melatonin, so I’m gonna make this quick and painless. The boys and I are going to be moving our movie night from Friday to Wednesday because they will be at their mom’s for the whole weekend. On a side note, I was asked to write something for the Easter Seals in regards to World Autism Day…..

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 29, 2021
    I'm so excited about this week

    and we’re going to spend some time every single day continuing the progress. We’re going to be putting some serious work into the house to make it feel more like a home. I have some supplies being delivered this week and we should be able to get some things done that will make a noticeable difference. I’m so excited for this week because I get to do things that make me happy this weekend.

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 29, 2021
    Repairing the Hudson Valley

    That old tale, arising not from folk but from corporate interests, said that unlimited growth and soaring GDP is the measure of economic health and community wellbeing; that a rising stock market protects us, no matter how rundown our neighborhoods; that deregulation stimulates investment, even as climate destabilizing emissions rise; and that national security need only focus on existential threats beyond our borders, and not on quality of life and preservation of civil liberties. By acting now with foresight and hard work, we can care for each other, reinvesting in people and the land, creating a future for the Hudson Valley that emphasizes the Permaculture principles of Care of the Earth, Care of People, and Fair share of resources. While it is true that there is little that small communities can do to independently reverse climate change, there are many things these same communities can do to mitigate the climate crisis in their area as it unfolds, and to future-proof themselves against climate chaos. A few practical repair ideas: community flood proofing in preparation for climate chaos, implementation of drought resistant landscaping, institutionalization of green building practices, zoning against development in climate disaster-prone floodplains, the installation of redundant stormproof energy systems, the establishment of community-wide food security, and the creation of damage control centers equipped to deal with sudden disasters

  • Seth Leitman 139K MARCH 29, 2021
    Sustainable Hudson Valley

    Self reflection, inner work, efforts to raise consciousness and depth and clarity of perception, to serve society in an authentic sense, carry little value. A dangerously polarized world unable to understand or empathize with the perspective of others, a wholesale disconnect from the natural world and the interdependence between personal/social/economic well being and healthy ecosystems, and a devaluation of the pursuit of truth, be it empirical scientific or matters of the heart and human relationships. An aspiration and priority for a broader epistemology must be firmly established in the education culture and society at large, one that honors, supports and validates intuitive creativity, visioning, play, meditation, reflective discussion (ongoing), service, critical thinking, and the aspiration to truth. Through enlightened charter schools, independent schools, un-schooling, home school groups, teacher development, curricular models, town meetings, blogs, film, music, theater, media and much more, we can all contribute to helping to create a more enlightened society through education.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 27, 2021
    My boys and I deserve to be happy

    There are so many changes going on in my life right now that making this kind of major move is probably ill advised. My Dad called this morning to let me know that he’s excited to get the process rolling. Once that happens, we can safely have interactions with other vaccinated people, meaning my Dad and come over and help give our house a facelift. We’re going to be doing some painting and probably replace the second floor carpet.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 26, 2021
    Keep moving forward

    For starters, I just wanted to point out that if you read any posts on this site that strike you as odd, off topic, or just a little weird, you’re probably not wrong. I’m not super picky about said content as long as it’s family friendly. Okay, I also wanted to let you know that my recording equipment has returned and I begin recording again today. The kids aren’t thrilled about the video appointments but let’s be honest, they weren’t thrilled with in person appointments either.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 24, 2021
    New Beginnings

    I’m working on a few new partnerships that could prove to be very positive going forward, assuming they work out. We’re also going to begin prepping the house for a fresh coat of paint. I hate the idea of putting money into this house but new carpet and a fresh coat of paint would make a huge difference. I feel like I’m at the beginning of a brand new life

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 21, 2021
    I'm nearing the bright light at the end of this very dark tunnel

    They’re getting this week off but will return for the week before Easter and I feel like it would have made more sense to go this week and have the week of Easter off, but whatever. Starting the new season out on the right foot seems like a good plan. I also think I that taking the boys hiking this week would be a good idea because they need to get out of the house. I’m starting a new season and a new life all at the same time.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 21, 2021
    It's been a little while, we should catch up

    It’s getting replaced but it’s causing delays. I feel like I’m putting out good quality content but at the same time, I think I could do better if I backed off a little bit, at least for now. It’s been a long time since they’ve been able to visit and they’re super excited. While I’m working on improving our lives, I feel so good about the road I’m on and I’ve not been able to say that in a very long time.

  • Rob Gorski 43K MARCH 19, 2021
    Goally is the perfect tool for helping my son prepare for independent living

    One of the things that I worry about with Gavin living away from home is that he is fairly easily distracted and can lose track of his daily routine. Basically, Goally is an app I put on Gavin’s phone that helps him navigate his entire day without me needing to remind him of anything. There are literally a million uses for Goally but my focus is on helping Gavin prepare for independent living. I should also say that I’m involving Gavin in creating these routines because they need to work for him.

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