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Pack Quality Score: Measures the overall influence and reach of the Pack as an aggregate of all Pack members.

Sustainability (8)
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  • Dominika Byś 1K MARCH 02, 2021
    40+ Well-Tried Beach Gifts for Beach Lovers of Any Personality

    Towel anchor clips are a super clever item and can become great beach lovers’ gifts, especially for a person who enjoys the time lying on a blanket and taking sunbaths. That’s why cooler bags are great as best beach gifts ideas. For people who don’t like to drag a few different bags to the beach, and prefer to take only essential items, a tote bag with a cooler is even a better idea than a typical cooler bag. If you’re looking for gifts for the beach lover who prefers physical activity, a set of fun and challenging games might be a better idea.

  • Dominika Byś 1K NOVEMBER 15, 2020
    Travel Christmas Ornaments: the Loveliest Ideas for Your Christmas Tree

    Here’s the list of the loveliest travel Christmas ornaments that I’ve found on the Internet and that you can hang on your tree soon. Wooden maps or similar travel ornaments are then a nice addition to your travel Christmas ornaments collection. And hanging them in a form of travel ornaments on your Christmas tree will bring your enjoyable memories of hours spent hanging around in the most beautiful natural places on Earth. And, it’s also a great way to decorate your travel Christmas tree.

  • When Sailing 92K OCTOBER 20, 2020
    How to afford a sailboat and become liveaboards

    A sailing license, but in specific sailing experience is very important of you want to be living on a sailboat. While the sailing license gives you the basis to handle a boat and is necessary to get good insurance, sailing experience does give you the confidence to sail the boat, to dock it properly, to be able to react when situations get more tricky. Many of you have been asking us how to get sailing experience so here our best ideas so far: * go sailing with friends who already have sailing licenses Once you defined which kind of sailboat you would like to buy and have found suitable options these are the following steps which await you Take it our for a sailing trail if possiblelift our the boat and make a professional surveyReneogatioate the price if anything was detected during the surveybuy your sailboat and new home We will write a second blog post which will go more into detail about sailboat buying, what you should look for when visiting the sailboat and what you can use to negotiate the price.

  • Destiny Brown 7K SEPTEMBER 23, 2020
    God's Love Is More Powerful Than Abuse

    It will keep you from functioning properly and prevent you from receiving and experiencing the righteousness, peace, and joy of God’s kingdom. just know the power of abuse, but I know the great power of God’s love. If you’ve been abused in the past, understand today that God loves you. God, I’ve been abused and misused, but I won’t let my past affect my future.

  • Dominika Byś 1K AUGUST 30, 2020
    How to Travel Europe During COVID Pandemic? Tips From Digital Nomads

    : how does your everyday life look like, what do you do in your life, and how your European trip looked like? However, traveling with a car gives a lot of flexibility, so if a risk like this would occur, we could quickly and efficiently come back to Poland. Wearing a mask in closed public spaces and public transport, limits of visitors in museums and restaurants, obligation to sanitize hands at each corner, and keeping a safe distance. It’s true that we need to constantly follow the world situation or wear a mask on a hot day.

  • Dominika Byś 1K AUGUST 23, 2020
    What to Wear Sailing in 2020? Basic Clothes for Sailing for All Kinds of Weather

    If you’re going to sail in regions where the weather is not so optimistic, this list of foul weather gear will help you in packing your complete bag of clothes for sailing in rainy or cold conditions. Choose natural materials like lamb or merino wool to make sure it will protect your body’s temperature. But if you want to stay warm, probably you should better choose the warm woolen cap and cover it with your jacket’s hood. If you’re a person that is very vulnerable to getting cold (like I am), feel free to add some additional leggings between the thermal tights and main trousers.

  • Misconceptions When Waiting for Meditation

    Misconceptions when you are waiting Recognizing misconceptions will empower us to wait well, stay present in the present, and experience God in our delay. Misconception #2: If I am waiting, I must desire something, not in God’s will for my life. When I wasn’t serving or teaching at church, I was leading women’s conferences and writing devotions and book contributions. ’s attention concerning Scott’s health.

  • When the Wait Begins Meditation

    Year after year, Samantha continued hoping for a husband, trusting that her desires to marry were from the Lord. With her husband’s job secure, she walked away from a $75,000-a-year career to pursue her calling. During the family’s five moves, including a two-month stay in a hotel, Dianna contracted severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Maybe you are praying for a husband or waiting for God’s plan for your life to come to fruition.

  • Jules Shapiro 624 JUNE 01, 2020
    Why Placing Conditions On Your Contentment Is Hindering You & How To Finally FEEL Content.

    Thinking about this thought, I ask myself, “am I really going to be happy and content long term once this blog post is written? It was from this place that I was able to choose joy and ease and navigate life with an open mind. Start to cultivate gratitude to help you move towards Santosha, contentment Gratitude is the ability and quality of being thankful for what you have and a readiness to show appreciation for those things and people around you. I feel content because I am grateful for the time I gave myself to do this work

  • Dominika Byś 1K APRIL 26, 2020
    9 Top Features of Excellently Planned Trip to Add to Your Travel Habits

    You should either invite for a trip people who like to spend the time the same way as you do, or plan some separate activities for any companion of different interests. By preparing it, you’ll be sure to remember about all of the little things you must do: purchase insurance, supply with medicaments, ask a neighbor to water your plants, fully charge your electronics, and make some space on your camera’s SSD card still filled with pictures from your previous trip. The most important thing is to create a physical version of your trip itinerary, local tips, notes, road trips, and packing lists. In my travel planning section on the blog, you’ll find many more super useful articles to help you become a master of travel planning.

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