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teacher, blogger, breast cancer survivor, writer, speaker, dancer

Social Audience 294
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Eggies no longer…

I was debating whether to write about this or not. but then I remembered that when I write I feel better and maybe I will be helping others when I do this. so I decided to go with my gut (which I always do) and decided to have them disposed of properly. Whether or not in the future I have more children is still up for debate, but I know that right now I am completely happy.

Moo cow, Perkybits!

I’m not sure what was holding me back, but then I realized I’ve been so open with all my perkybit issues as well as fertility issues that I had to finally address what has happened to my body in this postpartum period. Didn’t think too much of it until the next day (three days after I delivered Parker) when I woke up and my left perkybit was the largest and hardest I’ve ever seen it. But, (I’m sure you’re wondering what happened with poor righty) and righty wasn’t able to participate and create milk. So, all last week I worked through the pain wearing right sports bras to help dry up my milky perkybit.

The beginning of the end

So, interestingly enough even though I already lost 20 pounds of baby and baby fluids-who knows how my body will handle being put back on Tamoxifen. But the end is in sight (or at least a break in the dark tunnel)…in case my oncologist, Dr. B, really thinks I need five more years on it. It truly is an amazing experience being a parent and watching the other parent settle into their role. Daddy has been a champ all week long making sure Mommy was resting.

The blur that has been the past week💙❤️

It’s been the best blur of time in my life for sure. My hairdresser came over to highlight my hair only because I had the time before the baby came (I wasn’t getting glam for the hospital.) 💙 I do have to be on a blood pressure medicine for at least six weeks because my blood pressure was all over the place while at the hospital for those few days, but that is so minor in the scheme of things. I try my best to get back to everyone while also taking my time to take care of my family so thanks for understanding!

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