Real Happy Mom is a place for moms to find encouragement and practical tips for this journey called motherhood.
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Hey there! I’m Toni-Ann.
I am a wife and mother of two little boys. I am also a dentist in a private practice setting and in the Navy Reserves.
I understand as a mother how difficult it can be to juggle work and family. My goal here is to help moms juggle motherhood, work, and self-care so that they can be a really happy mom.
This is not my first blog. I had another blog, Dr Toni DDS, dedicated to helping moms achieve optimal oral health for themselves and the entire family.
I know motherhood is fun and beautiful, but it is also hard and challenging. I struggled with mom guilt, finding time for self-care and maintaining balance in my marriage.
I searched and found lots of great resources and found that I wasn’t alone. There are many other moms with the same struggles. Now I want to share what I have learned with as many moms as I can because what you see on tv and on social is NOT real!
I want more moms to genuinely enjoy life and enjoy motherhood and be a real happy mom.
On my blog, you will find information and tools to help you with motherhood and self-care.
Toni-Ann Hylton Mayembe
Fun facts:
When I was younger I did not want to be a dentist. I wanted to be an adviser to the President of the United States on Environmental Affairs. (In undergrad I majored in Environmental Sciences)
I LOVE WWE. I am one of the biggest WWE fans. My dream job would be to work for WWE (as a dentist or in marketing).
My favorite color is green and could eat Mexican food every day. I don’t mind cleaning the kitchen, but I hate folding clothes.
Everyone keeps encouraging me to “try” for a girl. I certainly do not want to do that. My life is perfect for two little boys.
So essentially what I do is I help to acquit women to consistently live their happiest life one routine at the time by helping them to start routines, maintain their routines, enjoy routines, and it is work that I absolutely love just to be able to support women in the living fulfilled lives and in a way that feels, you know, like them aligns with who they are in a very systematic, you know, using routines in a systematic way to add more ease to your every day.
In particular with it being routines being you know, the the structure and predictability that you need for your life, especially right now I think that’s the one thing that’s kind of kept me grounded, because I know at least this is gonna happen.
But I’m just wondering for the moms who really are just getting started or don’t really have any routines in place, like what are some of those must have routines that you know that as moms like it’s kind of universal, like we need these in our life?
I’m just thinking about in particular, I know for me, the evening routine, or the bedtime routine is like huge, like when I do it, I like thank my past self in the next day, like, I’m like, thank you, Tony and from yesterday from getting your life together, because my day is so much better.
So in this episode, we talk quite a bit, we had some really good conversation, she really was schooling me on some things that I did not know about when it comes to grief, because let’s just be real, like we don’t talk about grief.
And he kind of like, pushed me away and was like, No, and that’s when I realized, like, it’s nothing I can do or say that’s gonna make him feel better.
I mean, when you think about people who have lost their homes, the grief is unexplainable, because it’s not just the shell or the building, it’s the loss of the memories, it’s a loss of the accomplishment for many,
So to find that, in the middle of a pandemic, or to define that, in the middle of any hard and difficult situation, means that you’re going to have to take some introspection, you know, what are the things that are going to bring me joy, in spite of this pandemic, in spite of this hard thing, in spite of my loss, in spite of my grief, because, again, you know, grief, is it’s not a visitor, you know
So if you’re ready to get rid of the overwhelm, and start being a Real Happy Mom, join me inside the Real Happy Mom podcast.
So if you’re like me, and you struggle with meal planning, or you’re constantly eating out doordash and like me, and you want to get it together when it comes to preparing meals, and you know, having meals ready that are easy, practical, and ready to go.
I like this better as far as looking at the your your days during the week in you know, allotting the the time in the different recipes or the different meals you want to create based on those days because I know for me
And then once you’re feeling a little more confident, a little more organized, you can build on that by spreading it out to five nights a week, or maybe six nights a week, eventually, but I would start small, feel confident about that, and then build up.
So if you are looking for ways to either pay off debt or to save up more money, this episode is going to help you out because Rowe is going to share with us how we can change our mindset around money and how that is the biggest thing that we actually need to change when it comes to reaching our financial goals.
Because when you have more money and you’re not managing it well, like you don’t have those budgeting skills, you’re not paying attention to where you’re spending and that kind of thing.
And you reminded me when I first got married to my husband, he used to tell me like, oh, we’re gonna hear the What do you call it the book cord into mom, because I would always be like mom said this, and mom said that, and yet, it didn’t go so well for like the first six months of our marriage.
So look and see what it is and see if you can get a better rate and if you’re feeling really boat send me a DM on Instagram at Real Happy Mom and let me know if you’ve actually done this because it is time for us to start making progress and start seeing results when it comes to our financial goals.