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Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity. a blog full of DIYS, free printables, recipes, bad jokes.

Social Audience 126K
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our master bathroom : the plan

our final room renovation! it’s actually sort of sad! but also so happy. we chose to do our guest bathroom before the master because it’s the one everyone uses and we wanted to have it nice for arlo, but oh man i am so ready to enjoy our own bathroom

printable spring/summer bucket list

since i made the bucket list for last fall/winter, obviously i had to do another one! while i didn’t finish every item on our list, we filled the whole list and only left a handful of things undone. it was actually really nice to have because on weekends when we didn’t have plans, we could just look at our list and choose something on there to do– i honestly think it pushed to do way more activities than we have in the past

almost makes perfect

yay! i e-designed a space! in case you missed the before yesterday, i virtually designed my friend vanessa’s bedroom via email, text and facetime. and i am so happy with how much better it looks

almost makes perfect

for years and years i’ve wanted to introduce other spaces besides only my own on here but never have — but finally doing it today! my friend vanessa told me she was struggling with making her bedroom cute and asked me to help out. i thought it would be super fun to design her room virtually (because she lives in san diego), so we did everything via email and text and i’m so happy with how it turned out

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