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Solo, budget, ethical travel with a literary twist.

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The Green Side of New York City

The Green Side of New York City There’s no denying that New York is a concrete jungle, but if there’s one thing that makes living in this hectic city worth it, it’s the green spaces dotted around the neighborhoods. And they are not just limited to famous locations like Central Park—there are plenty of other green spaces worth visiting too

5 Things No One Tells You About a Trip to Oz

We all know about the amazing Sydney Opera house and the world-class surfing scene that exists on the coast, but there are so many amazing aspects of Australia that aren’t highlighted. However, no one tells you that you can save a lot of money on your trip just by choosing a tent over a pricey hotel or B&B. Australia has a very liberal camping policy and there are countless free campsites dotted around the continent where you can rest your head. The Australian weather is reliably dry in summer, so you don’t need to worry about catching the bad weather either. No one really has a ‘shrimp on the barbie’ While the phrase has been lovingly adopted into Australian culture, it isn’t a true reflection of Australian cuisine.

5 Things No One Tells You About a Trip to Oz

We all know about the amazing Sydney Opera house and the world-class surfing scene that exists on the coast, but there are so many amazing aspects of Australia that aren’t highlighted. However, no one tells you that you can save a lot of money on your trip just by choosing a tent over a pricey hotel or B&B. Australia has a very liberal camping policy and there are countless free campsites dotted around the continent where you can rest your head. The Australian weather is reliably dry in summer, so you don’t need to worry about catching the bad weather either. No one really has a ‘shrimp on the barbie’ While the phrase has been lovingly adopted into Australian culture, it isn’t a true reflection of Australian cuisine.

On Road Trips and RVs

Like many wandering souls, if there’s been a way to travel, I’ve found and used it. Perhaps it’s Kerouac’s lingering influence after reading On the Road the summer after I graduated high school. As much as I’ve traveled, I still yearn to do a cross-country road trip of my own. We’d stop by vegan restaurants, visit sites of literary significance like Dean Cassady’s hometown in Colorado, explore national parks like Niagara Falls, and not have to worry where we lay our heads at night.

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