The Mint Chip Mama

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What’s shakin’ on #longisland #tristatearea for #longislandmoms & #longislandfamilies + hikes & fun at home! #momof3 #longislandkids #longislandlife

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Back to School Shopping With Roosevelt Field! What’s more fun than getting ready for a new school year? My favorite shopping season is Back To School and my favorite place to shop is @rooseveltfieldmall From one of a kind stores to big brand retail they have something there for everyone. Trending in my house this year for my teenage daughter was jean shorts, sweatpants, and year round tank tops. We love that Roosevelt Field has popular stores like @garageclothing and @brandymelvilleusa plus fan favorites like @aeropostale and affordable fast fashion bringing it all together at @primark My boys had tunnel vision to @goatusa Now in a much bigger permanent space, this Long Island native brand continues to give out their awesome complimentary stickers while customer browse through their clever designs. Of course no school year kickoff is complete without a new backpack and lunch bag. We loved checking out the new styles at @herschelsupply for all three of my kids. What’s your favorite back to school store? 📍For more Back To School tips follow @themintchipmama 🛍️🛍️🛍️ . . . . #RooseveltField #RooseveltFieldMall #BackToSchool #BackToSchoolTradition #BackToSchoolShopping #ShopRooseveltField #BacktoSchoolatRooseveltField #NewYork #LongIsland #LongIslandLife #LongIslandLiving #GardenCity #GardenCityMoms #Westbury #WestburyMoms #SyossetMoms #RoslynMoms #PlainviewMoms #PortWashingtonMoms #DixHillsMoms #Shopping #FirstDayOfSchool #SchoolLife #MomLife #HerschelSupply #Garage #Aeropostale #Primark #GoatUSA #BrandyMelville

Beat The Bomb Brooklyn! Who says kids get to have all the fun? Not ME! We recently headed to Dumbo for an adults only night out adventure where we climbed into hazmat suits and tried to save the world. Ok… maybe not the world but we did TRY (and failed) to not get blasted with paint cannons - but we did - and laughed so hard from it we counted it as a win. @beatthebomb - an escape game with a twist - has a few different high-stakes options (including family friendly ones) to choose from. Then within each option you can customize it getting a super fun unique game each time! We tried Beat The Bomb’s signature 1-hour ‘Mission Experience’ attraction and progressed through five hi-tech game rooms trying to Beat The Bomb. Each interactive room had really fun engaging activities with touch screens, motion cameras, RFID readers, projection walls, and lasers. We not only worked as a group of six but each person had a vital role to play as well. As your team advances through the rooms and levels you earn extra time towards the ‘Bomb Clock’ in the 5th and final ‘Bomb Room.’ Failing to disarm this final mission results in the world’s largest paint bomb exploding, and subsequently blasting neon glow paint right into your face (protective gear provided). Quite simply… it’s amazing. And you’ll want to lose too. While this is all happening, Beat The Bomb films it for you and then immediately broadcasts it outside your room so you can watch, laugh, and relive your good time. The package also included a post Bomb t-shirt and canned drink of your choice (beer, wine, or hard seltzer). It was not only a really fun night out but also a great team builder and collaborative good time. I highly recommend it! 📍For more parents night out fun, follow @themintchipmama #BeatTheBomb #HaveABlast #BeatTheBombNYC #ParentsNightOut #Brooklyn #NewYork #NewYorkCity #Dumbo #DumboBrooklyn #NightOut #NightOutWithFriends #FunNightOut #FunNightOutWithFriends #LongIsland #LongIslandParents #BeatTheBombDC #BeatTheBombAtlanta #FamilyNightOut #MomsNightOut #DadsNightOut #BrooklynBridge #PaintBomb #EscapeGame #HackAttack #LaserMaze #EchoChamber #FloorGrid #Cyberbot #BombMission #GameBoy

Sweet Suite 2024! Sweet Suite is my favorite event of the year! Not only is it so much fun but it’s great to catch up with colleagues and friends. We saw new games, toys, characters and products. My favorite is always first - @nintendoamerica where I got to catch up friends while checking out new games! As an OG Super Mario fan I was excited to see their new throwback game. The 90s was in full force everywhere I looked (yay!). As always @basicfuntoys had an awesome retro set up with a vibe that carried throughout the show including Rainbow Bright, Strawberry Shortcake, SpongeBob, Ninja Turtles, the Energizer Bunny and more. I loved catching up with @magnatiles @thesandoichis @pokemon @magmoji @snapcircuits @myboogieboard @smartgamesusa @tls_toy @pmi_toys @pennycake @energizer @stickirolls @spongebob too! In my opinion the winner of the show is from @gameofkittens - Let’s Hit Each Other With Fake Swords. It’s the perfect game for siblings. Ha! Add it to your holiday list. Thank you @thetoyinsider and @funfluential for having me! 📍Want to hear about more top secret toy launches? Follow @themintchipmama 🎮🧩🚂 . . . . #SweetSuite24 #WeKnowPlay #Toys #NewYork #PressEvent #Raising90sKids #Nintendo #Crayola #NinjaTurtles #Pokemon #MomBlogger #SpinMaster #Needoh #ServingUpSummerFun #Summer2024 #ExplodingKittens #MagnaTiles #Sandoichis #MAGmoji #BasicFunToys #FunFluential #ToyInsider #SnapCircuits #BoogieBoard #SmartGamesUSA #Pennycake #Energizer #StickiRolls #SpongeBob #SweetSuite2024

Big things are happening at Roosevelt Field! As the school year winds down and the summer heats up what better way to celebrate then kicking it off with a new summer wardrobe! We love going to @rooseveltfieldmall for the shops we can’t find anywhere else local. My teenage daughter loves Garage and Brandy Melville (located inside Pac Sun). Plus I love Primark and their fast fashion, reasonable prices, and huge selection. But I think the biggest news of the summer is Goat USA moved to a new, permanent, expanded location! This big new store is filled with their Long Island native famous wear including t-shirts, shorts, and sweatshirts but also water bottles, and great Goat gear finds. Every time I go to the mall I love seeing all the 90s styles circle around for today’s teens. In fact I’m pretty sure my daughter bought a dupe of the shirt I bought at Aeropostale many years ago! The other thing I love about this beautiful spacious multi floor shopping mecca is the food. You can grab the simplest pretzel or sit for the fanciest toro tuna, rounding out your shopping spree with a full happy belly. Plus much like my belly, their food selections are always growing! Check out the newly added Wahlburgers, Van Leeuwen, and Venchi. If you havent been to Roosevelt Field lately go take a look! From luxury high end retail to fun kiosks, they have something there for everyone. 📍If you also think it’s all happening at the mall, follow @themintchipmama . . . . #RooseveltField #ShopRooseveltField #RooseveltFieldMall #SummerSales #Summer #Fashion #Shopping #Garage #Aeropostale #Primark #Herschel #GoatUSA #BrandyMelville #NewYork #GardenCity #GardenCityMoms #Westbury #WestburyMoms #SyossetMoms #RoslynMoms #PlainviewMoms #PortWashington #PortWashingtonMoms #MomLife #LongIslandLife #LongIslandEvents #LongIslandLiving #LongIslandBlogger #LongIslandStrong #LongIsland

Museum of Broadway! The magic of Broadway - spanning decades of theater - comes alive at the @museumofbroadway This interactive, immersive, three story museum showcases some of the most famous shows, props and costumes of all time. Here you’ll find famous scene from dozen of pivotal shows including Cabaret, West Side Story, A Chorus Line, Rent, The Lion King, The Producers, Wicked, Hamilton, and everything in between. If you’re a Broadway fan you MUST go here. In addition to bringing you back to each show there is a whole floor dedicated to the magic that happens behind the scenes. From getting a show funded to set design, hair, makeup, and costumes it covers everything! I couldn’t wait to read each plaque and learn everything about everything as I reminisced about seeing each beloved featured show. I was so completely impressed with the whole place and each exhibit got better and better. The museum ended on a high note with a @moulinrougebway exhibit complete with a self service Photo Booth. If you’re a Broadway fan you’ll absolutely love this place. It’s the perfect addition to an evening (or afternoon) of theater. 📍For more fun things to do in NYC, follow @themintchipmama #MuseumOfBroadway #Broadway #BroadwayShow #BroadwayShows #BroadwayMusicals #BroadwayMusical #MusicalTheatre #NYC #NewYork #Theatre #TonyAwards #NewYorkStateOfMind #NewYorkCity #NewYorker #NewYorkLife #NewYorkNewYork #NewYorkCityLife #NewYork_Instagram #NewYorkGram #45thStreet #OnBroadway #Rent #TheLionKing #Cabaret #Hair #MoulinRouge #BehindTheScenes #AChorusLine #Hamilton #Wicked

I hope you like, laugh, and can relate to my newest article - my 1st for @thisisflowspace - about the joy of female middle age (link in bio). I try to bring humor to my LONG battle against hair removal which I thought I won in the early aughts. But surprise! Much like bootcut jeans - my chin hair is back. My favorite line of the whole article: “Shortly after we all chanted “Donna Martin graduates,” laser hair removal became commercially available.“ If this resonates with you, you’ll like the article (also 90210 4evaaaa). Special shout out to @somichskinspa my partner in (hair removal) crime during this recent war. I believe we can do this together. Just you & me Michelle! Are you also in your mid 40s talking to your kids about puberty and wondering if you’re going through it again yourself? Oh perimenopause, you’re such a saucy biotch. 📍If you secretly pluck too, follow @themintchipmama 🪷🪷🪷 #Hormones #HormoneBalance #HormoneImbalance #ChinHair #ChinHairRemoval #HairRemoval #Funny #Relatable #RelatablePost #FlowSpace #ThisIsFlowSpace #FindingFlow #AuntFlow #TheFlowReadingSpace #WomensHealth #Menopause #Perimenopause #ItsNotHysteria #KarenTang #SheMedia #SheKnows #Wellbeing #SelfCare #YouCannotBuySelfCare #WomenEmpowerment #Period #40s #50s #ShareYourStory #NewYork

Wishing my beautiful, sweet, kind, funny, smart daughter the biggest congratulations on her 8th grade graduation. You used to be small. Now you’re big. I don’t understand time. But I love you more than you will ever understand. Even if you’re taller than me. Which is often. You will ALWAYS be my partner in crime. Even when you’re mean to me. Which is also often. Because you’re 14. We could not be more proud of you. I love you to Sephora and back. 📍If you’re also excited that she finally let me post a picture of her of social media (!) follow @themintchipmama 🎓👩‍🎓🎓 #8thGrade #8thGradeGraduation #MiddleSchool #MiddleSchoolGraduation #MovingUp #MovingUpCeremony #MovingUpInTheWorld #MyBaby #MyBabyGirl #Congratulations #CongratsGrad #ByeByeMiddleSchool #NewYork #LongIsland #GirlMom #ProudGirlMom #ShesTallerThanMe #HappyGraduation #HappyGraduationDay #SeeYaMiddleSchool #WhiteDresses #LifeMoments #MomLife #MiddleSchoolLife #June2024 #GraduationPhoto #GraduationPhotoShoot #HappyDay #GratefulLife #HappyToBeTogether

I had the IMMENSE honor of witnessing a room full of Holocaust survivors celebrating life today and filling in one letter each of a 250 year old Torah. The Torah was hidden for decades in Europe by a non Jewish family and given to @jonnydaniels of @fromthedepthsfoundation to refurbish, keep safe, and share it’s story. He’s made it his mission to honor each survivor, listen to their story, and hold their hand while filling in their letter. To make it even more meaningful he tries to match the person with a letter to honor their family. I don’t have words to explain how special this honor was and how grateful I am to have been included. If you know a Bar or Bat Mitzvah aged kid this would be an incredible Mitzvah project for them. To learn more about his mission visit: 📍Follow @themintchipmama for more meaningful stories. #JonnyDaniels #FromTheDepths #History #Holocaust #Israel #Righteous #Survivor #HolocaustTestimony #HolocaustSurvivor #HolocaustSurvivors #HolocaustSurvivorStory #LivingHistory #PrimarySource #InspirationalSpeaker #Activist #LightTheDarkness #HolocaustMuseum #Holocaust #WWII #WW2 #NeverAgain #NeverAgainIsNow #NeverForget #HolocaustEducation #Shoah #NamesNotNumbers #WeRemember #AmIsraelChai #FightAntiSemitism #BearWitness #Gratitude

Know what’s more fun than looking into to the Dublin portal? Meeting someone who has a friend looking into the New York portal and begging them to take a picture of us from the Dublin side! Boom. Magic. Totally cool experience. You can find this free international pop up on Broadway and 23rd next to the Flatiron Building through the fall of 2024. Thanks to the Flatiron NoMad Partnership, the Simons Foundation and the New York City Department of Transportation Art Program for this instillation! The NYC Portal looks north. The Dublin Portal shows O’Connell Street including the GPO (General Post Office) building and Spire. @flatironny @nyc_dotart @nyc_dot 📍For more free art in New York City, follow @themintchipmama #theportal #portalnyc #nydublinportal #newyork #newyorkcity #freeny #freenyc #freenycevents #freenycevent #freenycpopup #nyc #flatironbuilding #flatirondistrict #dublin #dublinportal #iloveny #dot #freeart #nomad #traveltheworld #nycmom #newyorkmom #newyorkmoms #cityday #nycday #nycdayparty #nycdaytrip #longisland #chelsea #midtown

Friends The Experience NYC! Could we BE more excited to be here? New York City is the setting for the show F• R • I • E • N • D • S which stole our hearts in 1994. To celebrate the show’s 30th (eek!!!) anniversary they’ve made @friendstheexperience a permanent Manhattan fixture! Located on the corner of Lexington and 23rd (ironically where I lived in my early 20s) you’ll find so much nostalgic good stuff you won’t want to leave. Besides fun quotes and famous props from Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Joey & Chandler, it’s chocked full (pun intended) of behind the scenes goodness. I loved hearing how Debra McGuire (the costume designer) came up with the color palates and token patterns for each character. To this day if I see a color block vertical “Chandler” shirt I immediately think of him! It’s crazy to think how their costumes were influenced by their character’s personalities and how it was all methodically planned out! Awesome job @bydebramcguire Of course if you’re looking to be the 7th Friend (7, 7, 7!!!) you’re in luck with the plethora of photo ops offered. You’ll find the famous couch and fountain from the opening credits, the “pivot” couch in the stairwell, ALLLL of Chandler’s clothes, Monica and Rachel’s apartment, Joey and Chandler’s apartment, the holiday armadillo, Central Perk, and OH MY GAWD Monica wearing the Thanksgiving Turkey on her head. Not to mention everything else you’d want in an immersive Friends experience. They thought of everything. Finish up the tour at Central Perk - a fully functioning and publicly accessible 90s coffee house. With their extensive menu of DELICIOUS coffee and tea options you can grab a nostalgic photo op of your own with an oversized mug any day of the week! If you’re a @friends fan or have a friend who is, this is a great thing to do and guaranteed to bring enjoyment to anyone not ON A BREAK. Be sure to do your homework and rewatch your favorite episodes now streaming on @streamonmax If you’re outside New York check when the traveling pop up is coming to you! 📍You know I’ll Be There For You, so follow @themintchipmama #FriendsTheExperience #FriendsTheExperienceNYC

Saturday night ready. How’d I do?

Medieval Times In Lyndhurst, New Jersey! I’ve wanted to take my kids to @medieval_times for years. I was so excited for that dream to finally happen! I’m pretty sure everyone knows what it is but in case you don’t... it’s dinner theater set in the 11th century with horse shows, knight games, jousting, sword fights, and the best part - eating with your hands! From the opening performance at @medievaltimes_nj of the Queen’s prized Spanish riding horses to the falcon show it was just a fun time that kept on going. I didn’t realize Medieval Times was based on a real story of a Spanish noble family, but now the red and yellow color scheme makes so much more sense. In fact, the whole dining and entertainment concept began in the 1960s in southern Spain. The first US location opened in Florida in 1983, expanding to ten stateside locations today. The food was delicious and the show was great. My kids loved it and it was just as fun as I remembered, giant chicken leg and all. To quote my 8 year old when I asked for his review - “even the Queen had soup”! Upon further research, I found it is now a Queen - not a King - eating soup because the feedback was people wanted to see a woman in a more powerful role (woot!). It just keeps getting better. I’m so glad we finally got to go. If you’ve never been, go this summer! It was such a good time. 📍For more fun family activities, follow @themintchipmama 👑🐎🥣 #MedievalTimes #Lyndhurst #LyndhurstNY #KnightLife #KnightlyGesture #Knights #Horses #KnightsOfInstagram #MakingMemories #CastleLife #FamilyTime #EpicBattles #MedievalAction #MedievalAdventure #GoRedKnight #Jousting #JoustingTournament #ChooseYourSide #CastleLife #VictoryVibes #BergenCountyNJ #BergenCounty #BergenCountyEvents #MorrisCountyNJ #NorthNY #Experience #DinnerTheater #EatWithYourHands #Spain #Hosted #MTFan

Fifth Avenue Blooms! New York City is bursting with free public art right now! We loved walking through this @fifthavenue exhibit sponsored by @vancleefarpels What art have you seen lately? 📍For more street art, follow @themintchipmama 🌸🌺🌼 #fifthavenueblooms #vancleef #vancleefarpels #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorker #newyorklife #newyorknewyork #newyorkflowers #5thavenue #5thave #freeart #freenyc #freenycevents #outdoorart #sculptureart #artwalk #beautiful #colorful #blooms #flowersofinstagram #nyc #nycart #outdoorartgallery #walkingarttour #annualevent #ilovenewyork #iloveny #longisland #longislandmoms

A Great Camp Mom Project! ⋆

I had great luck finding images and words from my alumni magazine, US Weekly, InStyle, and even the Cambridge Pavers insert from The New York Times (it had awesome background pictures Stacey Gish Wallenstein created The Mint Chip Mama blog in 2013 to share her love and passion for giving children meaningful life experiences and helping moms like her navigate the challenges and benefits of raising children in the New York metropolitan area. Before becoming a full-time mom in 2010, Stacey spent the better part of the preceding decade as a high-end customer relationship management (CRM) professional for some of the most well-known brands in the hotel, luxury, fashion, and beauty industries, such as Harrah’s Entertainment, Chanel and Christian Dior, A graduate of the University of Michigan, Stacey has been active in the New York area alumni organization for nearly twenty years, serving as a board member on the school’s University of Michigan Alumni Club of New York City.

Convert Your Driveway Into a Roller Skating Rink! Roller Skating Skating

With that said, I don’t think there is another place in the area that bring more childhood memories than roller skating at United Skates of America in Seaford. From the yellow postcard inviting me to a roller skating birthday party in the 90’s to the “Skateasaurus” to the square piece of pizza and skating around the rink to a favorite request (“Shout” by Tears for Fears) When my daughter attended her first birthday party at the skating rink, four years ago, I could not believe that the place was exactly the same! Luckily, the party continued a week later for her as two elementary schools in our district came together to offer the graduating 4th graders an end of year Virtual Glow Dance Party.

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