Vanessa Hogan

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Hi everyone, my name is Vanessa, and I’m a first time mom sharing all the #joysofjuliette and our family lifestyle in Austin, Texas. .

Location Austin, Texas TX
Country United States of America
Member Since DECEMBER 05, 2018
Social Audience 2K Last Month
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  • Career Advice
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Pop Culture
  • Style & Fashion
  • Shopping
  • Traveling
Our First Time As a Sick Family

Hunter and I have been getting a kick out of it though, because we sometimes call Juliette “boogie” and the past couple of days she’s been fully living up to her nickname, because she is literally full of boogies. 😂, seriously though the mist has helped break up all of the mucus that Juliette’s had this past week and the wipes help wipe away all of the aftermath and excess boogies… The vapocool really makes the difference and from the moment I take one I notice a difference, it’s helped with sore throat, headache, body aches, and fever. Upping our vitamin C game with Emergen-c, vitamin c tablets, smoothies that contain vitamin c, and orange juice.

Hogan Family Christmas Traditions

It’s a combination of traditions I did as a family when I was younger, and new ones I’ve adopted once I got married. It was also perfect for my family, since two of my siblings are in the military and live in different states it’s almost impossible to guarantee that they will be on leave during Christmas being in the military things can change on a drop of a hat! If you feel like your family Christmas are getting outrageous and out of hand, maybe talk to your family and see if they would be interested in switching to a secret Santa exchange instead! It’s a family traditions that he remembers and always raves about being excited about and his mom still has them all!

Juliette’s Visit With Santa Claus

She was beautiful, perfect and ready for her big moment with Santa! Hunter met us at Barton Creek Square Mall since it was closer to his job 🤞🏼 I would also like to do a shout out to the Barton Creek Santa, because SERIOUSLY he did the best job and had the cutest facial expressions for our photos! & If you’re still looking for the perfect Christmas Dress, I found this cute one at Janie and Jack. Juliette will also be rocking this adorable dress on Christmas Eve for our annual Christmas church service, except I’ll be styling her with white tights instead of red and either a navy or green velvet bow to compliment.

The Perfect Christmas Outfit for Your little One

If some of you didn’t know Juliette is a brand rep for this awesome little company called fashionistots, they offer affordable fashion and who doesn’t love affordable cute clothes? We found the cutest buffalo plaid skirtspender and it’s been so perfect for her to wear for the holidays, we’ve literally had it on repeat! You can shop any of the styles at and they were also sweet enough to give use a code for you to use for 15% off your purchase. You can also find Juliette’s purse at target just click on the picture to shop this exact purse.

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