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Voices of a #healthyish generation.

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You're Already Doing It: The Fastest Trick to Organizing Your Life

If you put your laundry basket in that spot, none of the reasons or patterns you’ve already built need to change, but you still get your heap of dirty clothing out of that chair. That means no false starts when you try to put things in the old spot and have to switch to the new, no regression back to the old over time, and no worst-of-both-worlds event where some of your dirty clothes are in one place and some in the other. There’s a good chance that this cabinet is too inconvenient to fit into your life, and establishing a different system that fits where your spices naturally end up will work out better. If you routinely forget tasks that are outside of a well-defined routine, such as bringing specific documents with you to work that you don’t always need, block your natural path with those tasks.

Meet the Boring App That Spiced Up My Sex Life

On a phone call one night, I suggested we make a list of the things we wanted to try next time we saw each other. Surprising each other midday was one of the many perks of using Apple Notes to collaborate on our sexual bucket list, but it wasn’t the end game. I don’t know if you’ve checked out Apple Notes as of late, but these days you can draw, include links, photos, and attach things. Before using this app, I thought of myself as someone who knew sex, but I was surprised at how many things I didn’t actually know.

My Unexpected (but Totally Worth the Wait) Journey from Diet-Obsessed to Body Positive

I’m not sure when I first started worrying about my weight, but I suspect it started around the same time I started growing breasts and worrying what boys thought of me. Until therapy, it never occurred to me that my anxiety and eating were also enmeshed in something bigger — that gaining weight during my years of therapy was linked to reliving repressed memories. For the first time, I didn’t feel exhausted by the continuous cycle of weight watching, and I realized that being healthy wasn’t at all about vanity. There’s so much more to a healthy life, I’ve found, without all the extra weight that comes with chasing a goal that ends where it’s met.

How to Get Away With a Super-Sweaty Lunch Workout

Because sweat is wet and warm, it promotes the growth of bacteria and yeast on your clothes and body, which often leads to less-than-ideal skin conditions such as yeast infections or folliculitis. Sign up for Peerfit, a workout treasure map that gives you access to a long list of amenity-rich fitness studios and gyms across 48 states. If you're a lunchtime runner or Spinner, try products that help to reduce redness and calm irritated, sweaty skin. Look for ones with ingredients such as aloe vera and tea tree oil, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and save the redness for the next time you have to present in front of your CEO.

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