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bohemian modern style from a san francisco girl.

Social Audience 125K
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a country home in belgium. / sfgirlbybay

i always love anything that Holly Marder and Hedda Pier of Avenue Design Studio puts their very talented hands on, so i was excited to come across a feature from 2017 (how did i miss this!?) it’s the beautiful Belgium country home of founder, Liza van der Stouwe of atelier rozijntjes and her family. the country home has some beautiful bones, including those gorgeous tile floors, but they’ve definitely added real charm to it with their eclectic collections. for the full tour you can visit a wonderful behind the scenes look at avenue lifestyle and the original feature on vtwonen.

instagram worthy: @ideat_magazine. / sfgirlbybay

this week’s instagram worthy account comes from one of my favorite french decor magazines, ideat. if you love cosmopolitan design, vagabond travel and avant-garde decor you’re going to love following @ideat_magazine. you can expect to see a steady stream of inspiring ideas, beautiful photography and a good dose of wanderlust-worthy imagery — all the colorful, bohemian, effortlessly eclectic and unexpected decor the french are famous for. and if you like their Instagram feed, there’s probably a good chance ideat will become one of your favorite magazines, too.

fresh vintage from france! / sfgirlbybay

i’m very excited to announce our latest shipment of vintage finds from the flea markets of france have arrived at super marché. we shopped for these this summer and i’m always so anxious waiting for them to cross the sea and finally arrive, but they are here oh la la — and some wonderful tabletop pieces (latte, anyone?), and an array of unique vintage furniture, and, as always, if there’s something special you’re looking for from france, do let me know.

with a little help from my new blixbike. / sfgirlbybay

laguna is hilly all over, but with the blixbike, i can opt to ride manually and get a good workout, but i face a big hill that might clobber me, i can switch into electric mode easily and conquer it with no sweat! and, should you like to ditch your car either on your workday commute or for weekend pleasure riding and get a blixbike of your own, they are offering a generous reader discount — one of the most stylish ebikes out there, but it’s also a unique combination of user-friendly design and offers a comfortable ride uphill with an upright seating position and powerful performance for the most challenging hills. the battery takes about 4 hours for a full charge, while the extended range battery takes about 5 and a half hours and allows you a charge of up to 45 miles!

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