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A fashion and beauty blog

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Beauty Talk: March

We are still on baby watch over here & let me tell ya the anticipation is on a whole new level. Her due date isn’t until Easter but I am already dilated & my cervix is completely thinned

Beauty Talk: February

February is one of my favorite months of the year! Its my birthday, Valentine’s day, our dating anniversary (12 years this year, holy moly), and SA Rodeo time. Summer Friday’s– This overnight mask is amazing… I have been experiencing dry skin lately I’m guessing due to hormones & I have been finding myself reaching for this more and more lately! I love it because you don’t wake up with this nasty thick layer of product & oil

Beauty Talk: January

As a self-proclaimed beauty junkie who is always trying new beauty products/treatments, I thought it was fitting that I start a monthly post where I share constant repurchases & HONEST reviews of new products I’m trying out. So many of you know I did a no spend January & that really limited the things I could try, PTL it was just Christmas… I will say that was such an amazing experience for me mentally which I totally expect

Simple ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy was something I researched like crazy before I even thought about getting pregnant. I was terrified to get them & wanted to make sure I knew exactly what to do to prevent them

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