Trudy Louis

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I write for my #Lifestyle #food #travel blog. Based in #NYC. Enjoying the world w/o much money is my mission. #blacklivesmatter

Location Queens , New York Northeastern
Country United States of America
Member Since SEPTEMBER 18, 2018
Social Audience 2K
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rendezvousennewyork 286 Last Month Last 3 Months
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  • Traveling
Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe While Traveling

If you love traveling, you’re probably making plans for your next trip in the hope that the travel world will return to normal pretty soon. However, traveling with kids requires a lot of planning and caution, as there are various potential risks, especially regarding their safety and health. For example, SeaWorld San Antonio offers a fascinating marine life experience at the family-friendly theme park, with thrilling rides and exciting adventures that almost every child will love. So, before you leave home, teach your little ones some important safety rules and create a routine they can use in case they’re separated from you during your travel.

Fixing Your Health in a Month: 3 Places To Begin

The best place to begin is to get a nutrient deficiency test, so you know what you are lacking, and you can either purchase the supplements, or you can go through companies like Reset IV, which provides IV packages for busy people. As soon as you can fix your sleep, and get into the right habits, you will feel the difference. Sleep is not just about going to bed and waking up at the same time, but it’s about making sure that you are getting proper sleep by reducing distractions and making sure that you prepare yourself for proper rest. Much like we would practice working out, learning how to relax by taking five minutes here and there to breathe, to meditate, or to visualize ourselves feeling happier will make changes to our lives.

How To Create A Kitchen Fit For A Master Chef

If you’ve ever watched baking or cooking shows on TV, you may have noticed that the experts have access to a dazzling array of machines and gizmos and gadgets. From mixers and food processors to high-quality knives, peelers and advanced stoves, consider your options, set a budget and choose investments that will bring enjoyment and make cooking easier and less time-consuming. If you’ve got multiple pots on the go, you’ve peeled and chopped all kinds of exotic ingredients and you’re whizzing around draining one pan while tending to a sauce in another, you’re bound to make a mess. If you enjoy cooking, and you can’t wait to invite friends and family over to tuck into a homemade dinner, it’s a great idea to design your kitchen to enhance workflow.

5 Things That Have Changed For The Better Since Quarantine in NYC

On a weekly basis for the first eight months of this quarantine, the national news media would weekly remind the country that people were leaving the city en masse to head for “safer” places. For a born and bred New Yorker, seeing transplants leave who were only living here for a “Sex and the City” or “Girls” reality really didn’t phase me because they weren’t staying anyway. I admittedly was so burnt out as I had become with blogging and social media, I found a new way to pivot and replenish by switching my mindset from travel to food to nourish my creative streak in another way. Black Lives Matter could have never picked up steam in the same way if we weren’t all forced to sit down and contemplate systematic racism and watch dozens of videos of the examples of black death.

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