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Can the Bolivarian revolution survive the Venezuelan crisis?

Creating the space for and allowing the Bolivarian Revolution to flourish is perhaps the most important achievement of Venezuela’s Chavista government — but can it survive the current crisis? In Venezuela, the eyes of the global media and commentators are fixed on the battle for the presidency, with the country’s legitimate president Nicolás Maduro in one corner and the US-backed President of the National Assembly and self-declared head-of-state Juan Guaidó in the other. Fears of a US intervention or civil war are widespread, while criminal sanctions imposed by foreign powers — the US in particular — combined with government corruption and mismanagement have devastated the national economy

Hopes raised for end of U.S.-China trade war

Prof. Wolff joins Walter and John on Loud & Clear to discuss the latest on the trade war with China

AskProfWolff: Is it necessary for a socialist political party to exist to fight capitalism?

The patron asks: Is it necessary for a socialist political party to exist, as Lenin emphasized in his books, in order to support and lead the labour movement fighting capitalism or not. If yes, why don't you and people in this struggle don't create one, or join the Communist party? If not, how we're going to fight this class struggle without an organized party? Become a part of the growing Patreon community and gain access to exclusive patron-only content, along the ability to ask Prof. Wolff questions like this one!

AskProfWolff: Do the super-rich want the rest of us to be economically uncomfortable?

Do the super-rich want the rest of us to be economically uncomfortable? To what extent do the owners of the country: the billionaires, the CEO's and the people who live only off their investments (and do not work for a living- aka the idle rich)- to what extent are they threatened by low and moderate income people who have a right to health care, a living wage, affordable housing and no worry about college debt? To what extent does a comfortable working class and a comfortable moderate-income class-- threaten the super rich? Do the super-rich want the rest of us to be uncomfortable, economically speaking?

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