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Get Your Child to Sleep! (Guest Post)

I absolutely love it when I discover resources that help point my boys to Jesus in the middle of a struggle they might face. That’s why I got so excited when Christie Thomas reached out to me and introduced me to her brand new children’s book called Quinn’s Promise Rock that helps kids understand who God is when they feel anxious and afraid

Allergy-Friendly, No-Bake Lactation Bites

Today I want to share a recipe for all the nursing mamas out there! When I went back to work a few weeks ago, I started pumping so that I would be able to continue nursing baby Z. If you have been following me for awhile, you may remember that over 6 years ago I ended up exclusively pumping for a billion months for our second son, Jethro

6 Best Board Games for Preschoolers

Helps kids (and maybe you – ha! ) learn how to manage frustration and deal with the idea of losing But most important, playing games with your kids gives them quality time with YOU – which is what they really want. Play a card from your hand, and place your chip on the corresponding character on the board – the first with four chips in a row wins! It also reinforces color learning and helps develop matching skills, strategic thinking, turn-taking, and hand-eye coordination. My Aunt Greta just sent this game to us and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH IT!

Life Updates and Happy New Year!

And while I still get anxious about things (I will share what’s currently on my heart below), it’s on a totally more chill level. He absolutely won’t sleep anywhere but my arms during the day, but goes down pretty well at night. While I am so excited to get back to preschool director-ing, see all my awesome preschool students, and I think it will be good for me to have a reason to actually get dressed every day (in the 3 outfits that currently fit #newyearsresolution), I am sad to say goodbye to this sweet season with my baby! When I asked one of the boys what he resolved to do in 2019, he said, “I want to feed Baby Z with my body so that I can hold him all day.

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