Hello, my name is Amelia and I am a plastic surgeon; I am currently working in a clinic. Plastic surgery has two main components: reconstructive plastic surgery, which consists of restoring the function and appearance of the human body after an illness or an accident, and aesthetic plastic surgery (often called "cosmetic"), which mainly consists of changing the appearance of the choice. Unlike most surgical specialities defined by an anatomical area, plastic surgery is defined by the surgical techniques performed. Reconstructive procedures are the mainstay of almost all plastic surgeons' work: they cover all aspects of wound healing and reconstruction after congenital, acquired and traumatic problems, and cosmetic surgery plays a small but important role in their working week. Most consultants specialise in a particular area, although almost all participate in on-call duty related to emergency admissions. Plastic surgeons have a large emergency load of soft tissue and limb injuries, as well as burns. Emergency plastic surgery also supports the work of other surgeons, who have to deal with complex injuries resulting from accidents or after other surgical procedures. Because of the breadth and application of plastic surgery, these surgeons work closely with a very wide range of teams from other specialisms. A great deal of reconstructive work is required after major operations and it is the refinement of plastic surgery techniques that has made some other areas of surgery possible. Surgical oncologists, ENT doctors and oral and facial surgeons rely on the reconstructive techniques developed by plastic surgeons. Another area of practice relating to plastic surgery techniques is cosmetic surgery, which involves changing the body to improve its appearance rather than treating a disease.