Emily De Sousa

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Airplanes and Avocados is a travel and lifestyle blog, giving readers a unique insight into sustainable and healthy travel.

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Sustainability Meets Fine Dining at the Best Restaurant in Maui: Mama's Fish House

I can’t tell if I’m drooling over the postcard-worthy scene in front of me or because of the delicious smells encapsulating the room, but before I have time to decide, my appetizers hit the table. However, what I’ve heard over and over again, is that the restaurant’s signature plate, Mama’s Stuffed Fish, is a must. By the time my meal is over, I am feeling more stuffed than the fish I’ve just eaten. After only one visit to Mama’s, it’s easy to see why the restaurant has such a reputation; from the delicious food to the great service, the Polynesian roots, and the beautiful ocean view, Mama’s Fish House really embodies everything that one would look for in the ultimate Hawaiian experience.

TravelCon19: Main Takeaways

The three-day event in Boston was only the second time that this conference has run, but you would never know it by how well organized and high-caliber the content was! It exposed me and made me realize that if I kept on this path, putting out content that I wasn’t passionate about, that had no purpose or objective, that didn’t tell a story, I was never going to succeed in this industry. And taking that a step further, because as Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Giving , noted on day two of TravelCon, Travel doesn’t make you interesting, it just makes you a person who does interesting things. I know that it’s going to make me a better content creator in the future

Everything you need to know before your first blogging conference

Many conferences offer a reduced conference fee for early registration, many discounted hotel reservations if you book early, and many conferences also workshops, meet-and-greet sessions, and speed networking opportunities which you have to sign up for in advance. Book your accommodation well in advance Most conferences will reserve a block of rooms at a specific hotel, however, these will sell out quickly, so I recommend reserving your room as soon as you book your ticket to the conference. You are going to meet a lot of people at these conferences and you’re going to want to keep in touch with them. I like to write notes on business cards I receive immediately after meeting the person so that I don’t forget our conversation and can follow up properly after the conference.

World Oceans Day: Celebrating Female Ocean Heroes

To honour World Oceans Day, I wanted to celebrate some of the people who are doing incredible work to protect our oceans, and since this year’s theme is gender and the ocean, I want to highlight the amazing women who are on the frontlines of ocean conservation. She’s currently as post-doc scholar at the University of California Santa Cruz, where she’s working with a team of scientists to try to mitigate the impact of ship strike on this unique population of blue whales. Hannah also started a project called Leading Women in Marine Science where she interviews women all over the world who are working on marine issues in order to highlight the diversity of women working across a variety of disciplines. She’s highlighted the importance of having meaningful conversations with shark fishermen rather than simply acting out of anger and I think this ability to meet people where they’re at is what’s made her so successful in her .

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