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I stumble through games like I stumble through life… One bad decision at a time. Live stream every Tuesday @ 9PM EST! New videos every Friday!

Definitely contains offensive language and simulated violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

  • Parenting
  • Pop Culture
The Value of an Individual

When you’re part of a community of thousands, millions, or even billions it’s easy to feel unimportant. I know that these are just crazy what-if’s and hypothetical’s, but it’s the truth. I need you, your family and friends need you, your community needs you, a stranger you’ve never met needs you That the billions of nameless, faceless people we share the planet with are also also individuals, are also significant, and that you need them just as they need you.


Today, despite my best efforts, was a bad day. I tried, I really did


Maybe your Mom knows that you stress about things, so she lies to you about how she’s feeling. Or your boss is really upset but doesn’t want you to feel like he’s angry with you, so they put on a friendly face. Maybe your best friend is depressed but doesn’t want to seem like a downer because she fears losing your friendship. Let’s All Try Honesty

The Art of Letting Go

A drunken conversation with friends began this particular journey of self-discovery, but it was a four year old’s birthday party that really hit the point home for me. And because she just started school this year and wanted to have actual friends come to her party, we thought we would do another big party this year. I was able to let go of my most ambitious plans about a week before the party, realizing that I didn’t have enough time to do everything I wanted. I calmed down by the time he got home and acted like it was no big deal, because I know he wouldn’t understand.

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