Mike Woods

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Sips, Suds, & Smokes is now in its 12th season with plenty more ahead of them. Good ol Boy Mike is the Producer and Host of this weekly show. The idea of the show began out of simple Sat. AM listening to Car Talk. Mike was on the phone with Good ol Boy Jim and he mentioned that Car Talk was retiring. Mike panicked and wonder what would fill this vacuum of nonsense. “You know, we should have a radio show and just talk about all the things we like. Jim- Like anyone is going to listen to us sit around and talk about whiskey, beer, and cigars? Mike- yeah, that’s it. We’ll call it Sips, Suds, & Smokes.” And thus, a less than brilliant idea was born. We decided the show needed to be more about a broad range of products and geographically diverse. So we have hosts from all over the world that record content and send it in. Not all of it makes the regular broadcast. We still can’t figure out what the Germans and Russians are saying. We talk about wine, whiskey, nearly anything distilled, tea, coffee, beer, mead, cigars, smoked meats, and more beer. We taste and rate things along with our signature and unique rating system. We have plenty of Good Belching Zones™ identified every year to help you enjoy many of these products. There are lots of running jokes like our efforts to be banned from entire states (Alabama), entire countries (France), and offending an entire culture of people (anything British). We have created and copyrighted the words “Barnhousey” and “Chuggling”. We have collaboration shows with lots of other radio shows on a regular basis. Imagine an entire hour filled with fake British accents talking about Fullers beer – probably like a bad BBC show. If you are looking for a way to kill an hour listening about Everything Good in Life is Worth Discussing, the check us out online or on this radio station. Drop us a line anytime – info@sipssudsandsmokes.com

 Podcast Awards Nominee Food 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019  iTunes Top 10 Food Podcast 2015, 2016, 2017  iTunes Top 100 Podcast 2016, 2017,2018  Spreaker #1 Food Podcast, Top 20 Podcast  Podtrac – Top 100 Producer  Webby Awards Nominee – 2015  Academy of Podcasters Awards Top 10 Food 2016  Taste Awards nominee/finalist 2017,2018,2019  Taste Awards Best Food or Beverage Radio Broadcast 2020  iHeartRadio Top Food Podcast 2019

Location Nashville, Tennessee United States
Country United States of America
Member Since APRIL 15, 2020
Social Audience 180K
sipssudsandsmokes 170K Last Month Last 3 Months
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