Carole Sanek

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I apply my intuitive talent to deliver visually-oriented content that engages the senses in social media PR, podcasting, public speaking and writing.

Social Audience 10K
  • Career Advice
  • Family and Relationships
  • Women's Health
  • Medical Health
  • Pop Culture
  • Real Estate Buying and Selling
  • Baseball
  • Traveling
I Survived Damn Near Everything

Heart attack symptoms in women are nothing like the symptoms that men get, of course not. As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. Yes, chest pain will buy you an overnight, but it is better to be cautious than to go home and die.

I Survived Damn Near Everything

There have been other years with shitty happenings and I don’t want to sit here in front of my wailing wall on line and continue because I know everyone reading this has had shitty years from time to time. I chose my 3 words to live by, my 3 words that I will write down and carry with me, 3 words I will tape up in places where I will see them daily, 3 words to remind me what I am working towards in 2018. well of course we all want to win, but for me I chose the word win to cover things I know it is past time to handle. Maybe these 3 words are my lesson, I don’t know

I Survived Damn Near Everything

Yes, a doctor, a medical oncologist and former surgical oncologist at a well-known cancer hospital I once worked for, and where I became a woman literally in the hands of a sexual predator, #MyHarveyWeinstein. I spend the first two weeks learning how to treat patients, and my 3rd week Dr. R. S. came to learn too under the watchful eyes of the Medical Oncologist who had pioneered this therapy and it was now being rolled out to the world. The final straw was the day he was walking down the hallway with the CFO of the hospital and he came up to me flipped open the lab coat I always wore and said “Are you surprised to see she has breasts under this lab coat? I called an attorney who was well-known for handling sexual harassment cases  and by the time she was done investigating this hospital, this doctor, more women filed complaints.

Surviving While Trying to Reach Forgiveness

The Klonopin addict former friend with the verbally abusive husband is as of today checked off and forgiven. The person who vandalized our house while we were in Tampa, our freshly painted house, because she did not like the way my husband spoke to her – checked off because it’s fixed and now we have cameras. The screaming neighbor (now I know what a banshee sounds like) who doesn’t get it that my husband did not call the county, the HOA President did, checked off because she is an ass, and we all know there is no dealing with an ass. The real estate agent who did not like being told he needed to remove a closed sale from the MLS and went off in a tirade of physical threats against my husband, the sheriff is involved and that box is definitely not checked off.

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