Lez See the World

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We are Steph & Kaitlin, a married lesbian couple from Vancouver, Canada. We travel the world together full time as wife and wife!

Location Vancouver, BC
Country Canada
Member Since MARCH 22, 2019
Social Audience 103K
lezseetheworld.com Last Month
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lezseetheworld 112K Last Month Last 3 Months
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Our At-Home Hair Care Routines with Aquis

We’ve never spent this much time at home in the full ten years that we’ve been together! All this time in our condo means we have a lot more time to take care of ourselves, so we’ve been putting extra energy into our personal care routines, beauty routines, and haircare routines. She’s been growing out her length for the past couple years, so it’s especially important that she uses a gentle towel to dry her thick, straight hair on wash days. I will either scrunch my hair from soaking wet for 5-10 minutes with my towel and then leave it to air dry, or “plop” my waves in my hair towel for 10-20 minutes before taking it out and scrunching.

Interview with Sexual Health Expert

We love how inclusive Leah’s work is of the LGBTQ+ community, and how skilled she is at having stigma-free conversations around sexual health and wellness. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Victoria’s Theatre Department and at the University of British Columbia’s Canadian Institute on Inclusion and Citizenship. We love how inclusive Leah’s work is of the LGBTQ+ community, and how skilled she is at having stigma-free conversations around sexual health and wellness. Here in B. C. and in many places around the world, researchers are realizing that when we don’t recognize LGBTQ+ folks in sex education, we are putting people at risk because they think this information isn’t for them.

Our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary

We wanted to spend our anniversary somewhere that meant a lot to us, so we stayed a couple of nights at The Victorian Hotel in downtown Vancouver. It’s a very special place to us and it was the perfect spot to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. To celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, we planned a photoshoot with our incredible wedding photographer Sara Rogers Photography. We thought it would be really special to shoot in some of the same places we took our wedding pictures, and The Victorian Hotel was such a perfect spot for a photoshoot.

Lesbian Film Review of The Prom

The Prom follows the story of four washed-up NYC actors, who head to small-town Indiana to show support for a local teen who isn’t allowed to take her girlfriend to prom. The movie spends a lot more time on Dee Dee, Barry, Angie, and Trent, in what seems like an effort to humanize their characters. It throws off the balance of the story in that they have far more screen time than the teens, and it feels like we don’t see enough of Emma and Alyssa when they are supposed to be the dominant plot. For instance, Dee Dee and Barry’s friendship, the romance between Dee Dee and the school principal, and a reconciliation with Barry and his mom who kicked him out of the house when he was a teen for being gay.

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