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TestRocker helps students maximize their SAT and ACT scores with life changing impact.

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TestRocker Jersey City Classes

The team decided to start classes in Jersey City for a number of reasons: After building a successful brand internationally by bringing students online and in-class test prep we’ve been eager to develop classrooms in the US. We have classes for the SAT and ACT, but also classes for the PSAT, PSAT 8/9, and other high school entrance exams as well. In order to enroll in our PSAT, SAT or ACT test prep classes families first need to attend a free consultation. TestRocker is an online PSAT, SAT & ACT prep class that has students and classes around the world.

Top 6 Downtown NYC High School Summer Camps

We spent a lot of time vetting and curating a list of the TOP 6 programs (listed below in alphabetical order) for Downtown NYC  area high school student to take part in this summer. The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) at The Rockefeller University is a two-week course aimed at introducing talented and enthusiastic high school students to the brain. Students of all ages that need to prepare for their upcoming high school admissions tests can join TestRocker for this Summer. SSAT, SHSAT, & ISEE tests are also available for middle school students preparing for their high school entrance exam.

Harvard Drops The SAT & ACT Essay Requirement

The essay section of the SAT and ACT is widely known amongst high schools as the optional section of both tests. Until recently,  those who took these tests did not get the choice between taking the essay or not and it was one more thing to worry about

Top 6 Downtown NYC Middle School Summer Camps

At NYU, located in Greenwich Village in Manhattan, their 2018 summer camps offer NYC campers the opportunity to experience a variety of innovative and enriching computer & technology camps, creative arts camps, and more! Their 2018 NYC camps are conveniently located for NYC families in Greenwich Village and near the East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown, Noho, Chelsea, Tribeca, The Financial District, Battery Park City, Gramercy Park, Midtown East, Midtown West, The Upper East Side, and the Upper West Side. SOCAPA New York City is centered around two neighboring campuses, one in downtown Manhattan at our Pace University campus in the South Street Seaport area, and the other in downtown Brooklyn at New York University’s Metrotech Campus. The campuses are connected by the Brooklyn Bridge, each is at its respective foot of the bridge, and students should expect to have classes, meetings, meals at either or. SOCAPA New York City offers summer camps in Filmmaking, Acting, Dance, Photography and Music.

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