Score (What’s this?)

Perlu Network score measures the extent of a member’s network on Perlu based on their connections, Packs, and Collab activity.

Social Audience 12K
  • Moz DA 27

No data available.

  • No categories for me, yet!
The final countdown

It's been a whirlwind month and I can't believe it's nearly come to an end, both the pregnancy and the month of March. and I'm running, err, walking around at a slow pace to get those last minute things in — lady dates, last blog projects, even hosting an event at nine months. For all those non-mamas out there this dress is incredible, also, it's not a maternity dress you know how I feel about buying maternity clothes . I saw it on Shopbop a few weeks ago, and without knowing if it would fit or not I decided to buy it hoping it would fit at my current size and even post-baby.

Ganni goes with everything

It's true, Ganni goes with everything. If you don't know Ganni, you are missing out

Four tips to staying chic during your third trimester

Whoa, not quite sure how it's been one month since my last post and even more unsure how I got to be seven months pregnant — IT ALL HAPPENED SO FAST. Time is not on my side and there is still so much to do

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