Drew Hannush (Whiskey Lore)

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Musings by best selling author and Whiskey Lore host Drew Hannush 🎙️ Whisky Stories, Travels, and Legends 🎧 On Apple, Spotify, etc. 🔞 B21+ #whiskeylore

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Another distillery that fell under the guidance of Dave Pickerell. In fact J. Reiger named their stillroom after him. A legend, gone too soon.⁠ ⁠ Here is a shot of some of his handy work. What a stamp he has left on the industry!

#ThirstyThursday remembering my stop off in Kansas City and J. Reigers. A pleasant surprise. This is a distillery with a lot of history and some really tasty spirits.⁠ ⁠ What was the last distillery you did a tasting at?

So, I have to say that when I was on Islay, I loved to town of Bowmore and the tour of the distillery. For some reason, I didn't 100% get into the tasting.⁠ ⁠ Then on my next trip to Scotland I tasted Bowmore 18 when Kevin at the Mash Tun in Aberlour recommended it to me. Incredible!⁠ ⁠ The other day I was in the store and thought, Bowmore is one of only two Islay whiskies that has never made it into my cabinet. The store I was in had Bowmore 15: The Darkest. I read the tasting notes and thought...I have to give this another chance.⁠ ⁠ I have to tell you, instant favorite. I'll be doing my next #TastingTuesday with that being highlighted against another Islay whiskey. Stay tuned to Whiskey Lore's YouTube.⁠ ⁠ In the meantime, happy #WhiskyWednesday

One of the great controversies in the #Scotch would that is making its way to the #AmericanWhiskey market is the concept of chill-filtering whiskey.⁠ ⁠ In fact, recently a vLogger named Ralfy, who has been doing tasting videos for a good 12 years or more recently got into a bit of a back and forth with #GlenDronach over the removal of the words "Non Chill Filtered" and "Natural Colour" from their tins. A video, then a letter, then another, video, and then another letter, and finally a capitulation video. ⁠ ⁠ Why all the fuss? And what the heck is chill-filtering anyway?⁠ ⁠ In a second YouTube video this #TastingTuesday I will taste an American whiskey that proudly proclaims to be Non-Chill Filtered - the #FourRoses Small Batch Select and another whiskey with a reputation for being charcoal filtered Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Select.⁠ ⁠ I'll give the tasting notes, then I will dive into the differences between how Four Roses and Jack Daniel's filter, and then I'll tell you about what chill-filtering is and how it can help or hurt your whisky. I'll even help #BrownForman (the new American owners of GlenDronach) understand why there might be some sensitivity around this subject and how they might look to navigate this mine-field and I'll use their very own Jack Daniel's brand to demonstrate how passionate lovers of a whisky might turn their heads at such a seemingly simple idea, like taking the words Non-Chill Filtered off of a package.⁠ ⁠ All in an effort to help make you the most educated whisky fans on the planet, while getting some tasting notes to boot.⁠ ⁠ Do you care if your whisk(e)y is chill-filtered? There are no right or wrong answers - I'd love your feedback.⁠ ⁠ Find the video at youtube.com/whiskeylore⁠ ⁠ Cheers and Slainte mhath!

I sometimes get some strange looks when I tell people Jack reminds me of banana nut bread. But after doing a tasting for themselves, they suddenly find that most compelling of notes.⁠ ⁠ Recently, while talking to Crista, the biochemist that did the testing on that 100 year old whiskey in Los Angeles, we got into a discussion about yeast and an odd banana note that I found in one of the whiskies that reminded me of Jack Daniels.⁠ ⁠ What Crista said to me next, using her years of experience in testing yeast strains, unraveled a mystery that had been bugging me for years.⁠ ⁠ And after putting two and two together, I think I've discovered the reason that note pervades every #jackdaniels whiskey from #oldno7 to the #jackdanielsrye to #sinatraselect to #jackdanielssinglebarrel⁠ ⁠ To unlock the mystery, check out this week's #TastingTuesday YouTube video at youtube.com/whiskeylore⁠ ⁠ Even after traveling to the distillery and talking to people who know Jack Daniel's well, no one I've run across has yet come up with the conclusion I have drawn. After watching the video, tell me if you think my conclusion likely hold's merit.⁠ ⁠ Have you tasted the banana in Jack Daniel's?⁠ Cheers and slainte mhath.

Imagine finding this lovely bottle!

I sipped on Hunter Laing's @scarabus_whisky the other day. A dead ringer for @caoliladistillery with a slightly more youthful presence, but definitely a nice dram and at a very affordable price. This bottle though, spotted at @ardnahoedistillery on my last trip, a wee bit more pricey. What is the oldest whisky you've sipped? I once had a 22 year old Ardbeg...very nice.

Happy #ardbegday Wish I was in Scotland to see the latest painting on the building, because that would mean I'm ready to tour and taste some fantastic whiskies. But for now, just remembering 2019.

Do you taste banana in Jack Daniels? I do. I taste it in everything they make, even the rye. When I was talking with Nelson Eddy, chief historian for the distillery, we talked a bit about that note. I asked if he thought Jack's original whiskey may have also had that note. He brought up a good point. Any yeast strain used in whiskey before Prohibition likely died out during that 13 year vacation. And Jack Daniels yeast had an even longer vacation. Someone would have had to have been baking bread for almost 2 decades and it'd still be different. Talking with Crista, the biochemist who helped me with the Leonis Collection, when I said banana note, she immediately piped up with her thoughts. I'll reveal in the next #TastingTuesday video YouTube.com/whiskeylore ❓Okay, so question. What should I taste along side Jack Daniels Single Barrel in my comparison?

I loved that Heaven Hill 6 year bottled in bond. An incredible bottle of whiskey for under $20. Then they dumped it for a 7 year at twice the price. I saw it finally made it to my local liquor store, but I just can't pull the trigger. Talk me into it, if you think I'm not giving it a fair shake. Meanwhile, reminisce with me as I sharet this even older version of it at the @frazierhistorymuseum

🥃🎉 Happy #TastingTuesday a new feature I'm kicking up on YouTube.com/whiskeylore. Each Tuesday, I'll pair up two whiskies from around the world. Plenty of #americansinglemalt #scotch #bourbon #ryewhiskey #japanesewhisky #irishwhiskey and diving into other forms as well. Not only will I give tasting notes, but I'll also give some history or some travel experience from each distillery. I'm freshening up the YouTube channel and would love to have you subscribe. I'll also have interviews and special extras that will enhance your whisky experience! This week, I'm starting off with a video that actually is actually a few months old. I had done a tasting of #ardbegcorryvreckan vs #weebeastie but this time I match it up with another #islaysinglemalt #portcharlotteheavilypeatedsinglemalt I'll dig into where Ardbeg gets the names of some of their whiskies like #ardbeganoa and #ardbeguigeadail and I'll talk more about the legend of Corryvreckan and the #correyvreckanwhirlpool Hope you enjoy your Tuesday! Cheers and Slainte mhath 🥃

Hope you're enjoying a fine Memorial Day weekend, honoring those that laid their lives on the line for freedom. What whisk(e)y are you celebrating with? I'd love to be sipping one of these again. Made at my second favorite veteran's distillery (my Dad is my favorite). By George this single malt was excellent!

What does 100 year old whiskey taste like?⁠ ⁠ That is a question I've often asked myself. And recently, I was given an opportunity to find out - and all it took was an invitation from a Los Angeles paralegal (and whiskey fan) named Corina, a family willing to share their story, and a 6000 mile drive out to the west coast and back for me!⁠ ⁠ Well worth it, any way you slice it!⁠ ⁠ If you've listened to Whiskey Lore Season 4 Episodes 10 and 11, then you heard the story of my journey and the man who procured these bottles a century ago. Now I want to share with you the taste, profile, and history of these two whiskeys in a tasting video where I hope to convey exactly what these two bottles have to offer to a sipper 100 years after bottling.⁠ ⁠ I'll also talk about the history of the man who had a hand in both of these whiskey brands, Col. E.H. Taylor and the other distilleries he was involved in. And I'll tell you about a very unique characteristic of that bottle of 98 year old Hermatage whiskey.⁠ ⁠ Check the tasting and history out at youtube.com/whiskeylore⁠ ⁠ Cheers and slainte mhath! And if you're in the U.S. have a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend⁠ ⁠ Drew

Would I really dare putting a peated American Single Malt up against a 12 year old Islay Scotch Single Malt? Why yes I would.⁠ ⁠ Why you say? Well, I was so absolutely impressed by McCarthy's Oregon Single Malt the first time I had it, I found myself wanting to give people an equivalent in scotch...which is impossible of course, but I think I found one that comes a peat from a similar direction...that as the misunderstood underdog. ⁠ ⁠ Not having tasted Caol Ila 12 since I left Islay 2 years ago, I had forgotten how absolutely complex and intriguing it is. Coming from the Port Askaig side of Islay, it really is unique for an Islay peated whisky. And it amazes me that 95% of this distillery's output goes to blends. A crime really. This deserves a seat at the table with the best of Islay.⁠ ⁠ McCarthy's also gets an underdog label, simply because it is an American spirit. How could it ever compete against a scotch? Yet this whiskey is full of surprises. The grains in this whiskey sing on the palate and while not as complex as Caol Ila, it puts on a great show.⁠ ⁠ Watch and hear my full review and details about these whiskies at youtube.com/whiskeylore and make sure to subscribe to keep up with future tasting videos. ⁠ ⁠ Cheers and slainte mhath!⁠ Drew⁠ @caoliladistillery @mccarthyswhiskey

If you were going to stick whiskey inside the walls or floorboards of your house as something for a future generation to stumble upon, which early 21st century whiskies do you think would impress them?

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