The author’s big thought is to set your goals in your discomfort zone and then take actions to their achievement in your comfort zone.
Here are examples the author uses; “program the lights in my office to turn off automatically at 6:00 pm so that I follow through on my goal of quitting work at 6:00 pm, and ask my assistant to automatically get dinner reservations for me each Friday night at 6:00 pm so that I follow through on my goal of a weekly date night with my wife.
To support his goal of stopping work at 6:00pm he designed these responses; “If I get a phone call at 5:45 pm, then I’ll let it go to voicemail, if team members want to talk to me on my way out of the office I tell them I’m happy to talk tomorrow and If I have to attend a meet at 5:00 pm, then I’ll tell the organizer I must leave the meeting at 5:55 pm.
He recommends that we set goals that stretch us into our discomfort zone but take actions to achieve them deep in our comfort zone.