Elyn Jacobs

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I empower women to make informed choices for the treatment of their cancer and to correct correct the causes of their cancer.

Social Audience 7K
  • Food & Drink
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Natural Healing with Mike Carey

GMO poisoning, (50% to 70% of the food supply is now GMO), Lyme Disease (now 3-4 varieties and numerous bugs carrying it), Hepatitis, Adrenal Exhaustion, Chronic Fatigue, Chem Trail poisoning, Salmonella poisoning, (from many sources now), Chronic pain, new virus´s that are continually being introduced (and probably coming from Chem Trails), emotional issues, fungal infections, and the list goes on. To learn more about Mike Carey and his services, or to get more information on the water filtration system, please contact Mike via his website (his phone is listed there as well). Elyn Jacobs does not provide online medical advice and cannot guarantee the effectiveness of Mike Carey’s services or the services of other healers. This post does not represent medical advice nor should it be considered to be medical advice or a replacement for medical advice.

Oatmeal Buckwheat Flax Seed Pancakes with Black Raspberry Syrup

anti-inflammatory foods, Anticancer diet, antioxidants and cancer, antioxidants and EMFs, antioxidants and heart health, black raspberry and cancer stem cells, Black raspberry powder, Inflammation and Cancer, oatmeal flax pancakes, what causes cancer to spread anti-inflammatory foods, Anticancer diet, antioxidants and cancer, antioxidants and EMFs, antioxidants and heart health, black raspberry and cancer stem cells, Black raspberry powder, Inflammation and Cancer, oatmeal flax pancakes, what causes cancer to spread Black raspberries are anticancer powerhouses, even more so than raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries. All are loaded with flavonoids and anthocyanidins that reduce inflammation and contain cancer-busting phytochemicals such as ellagitannins and ellagic acid, but black raspberries really stand out

Salt Therapy A.K.A. Halo for Health

Halo Therapy, inflammation, salt halo allergies, Salt Haus, salt therapy and asthma, salt therapy and cancer, Salt therapy and chemotherapy, Salt Therapy for Stress, Salthaus, stress Halo Therapy, inflammation, salt halo allergies, Salt Haus, salt therapy and asthma, salt therapy and cancer, Salt therapy and chemotherapy, Salt Therapy for Stress, Salthaus, stress Countless studies show that stress and inflammation contribute to most chronic diseases, including cancer. Dry salt therapy, otherwise known as halo therapy, originated in the salt caves of Eastern Europe which were found to have healing properties and kept salt miners free of respiratory and skin ailments that were common to other miners. While certainly not intended as a cure or remedy for cancer, salt therapy aids in detoxification (including after chemotherapy) and helps restore one’s immune system, thus supporting the healing process. Halo can lower stress levels, reducing risk of cortisol-driven damage to the body  (chronic high cortisol levels contribute to immune system deficiency and cancer) and may reduce the need for toxic allergy medications.

Tribute to Rose Green Ferguson

diet and cancer, essential oils and cancer, Rose Green Ferguson, visualization and cancer diet and cancer, essential oils and cancer, Rose Green Ferguson, visualization and cancer When Roses’ husband Hal called me to let me know that she was in transition, headed home to a greater place, I was beyond saddened, I was angry too. Angry that cancer took yet another amazing woman, a person I loved and respected

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