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Living in submission to Jesus Christ as Lord as wives and women.

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Prayer for Us to Stand in the Authority of Christ – by Radiant

Skip to main content Prayer for Us to Stand in the Authority of Christ – by Radiant These petitions are primarily based on Scripture and the promises of God to those who follow Jesus. The prayers themselves are not magical

I’m Starting a New Career This Week!

In God’s mercy, He provided a way for me to be much more available to minister to my own family – and to spend more time with Him – during our time of greatest need. Last spring, during the time I spent 6 weeks away from ministry and communing with the Lord, more than me praying that I might get to do vocational ministry, I prayed for God’s will. We have had several new waves of grief, all of us, as we have cleared Greg’s parents’ house out and as we get ready to put their house on the market. I want to see His will be done and His kingdom come in my life, family, and ministry — whatever that means in God’s eyes and whatever it may cost me.

Wisdom for Wives Who Are Moms of Kids with Special Needs – by Cheryl

* Obedience: I am learning that my obedience and yielding to Christ, or lack there-of, affects not only my ability to know Him, to hear His voice, to see His work in my life and to be used by Him, but also affects my relationships, my marriage, my attitudes, my peace of mind and my heart. Finding reasons to thank God each day helps me keep an eternal perspective, see God’s blessings in our lives and helps keep me abiding in Him. Years ago, God brought an older, wiser woman of God into my life who has walked with me through many seasons, mountaintops and valleys, joys and sorrows. I’m looking for women’s stories about things God has taught them and how God has changed and healed them through Christ.

“I Thought God Was Like My Abusive Dad” – a Guest Post

So my prayer life and the lens of my heart was tainted by these things so that I was, in effect, praying to a version of God mixed with my father. I realized at that moment that God was not obligated to respond to me if I continued to pray to Him as something He was not, rather than praying to Him according to the truth of who He was. * But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We can’t trust God if we have a warped, jaded picture of who He is, if we think He is evil and out to get us.

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