Elizabeth Hutton

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Single mum to 2 children and one #angelbaby. Taking on #breastcancer and having a laugh at its expense. CEO of pregnancy charity Kicks Count

Social Audience 18K
kickscount.org.uk Last Month
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Baby Shower Gift Guide

They offer vegan boxes as well as one off gift boxes which would be perfect for a baby shower gift. They really would make the perfect gift for a mummy who’s already got a small child as they are a great way to entertain the toddler whilst you’re feeding or trying to settle that newborn. so you won’t need to feel quite so guilty whilst your older child entertains themselves whilst you deal with the little one. A beautiful box full of essential items for a newborn but all wrapped up and displayed like a box of flowers.

My Baby Essentials

It’s kind of like when you get married and they add on a couple of zeros to the price tag just because it’s the wedding range. I would often leave the hoover running when I needed to nip to the loo but thought that wouldn’t work long term so invested in a cuddly that played the white noise for me, genius thing and I’d use it again if Betty wasn’t so possessive over it! (for little ones under 12 months soft toys should be placed outside of their cot or Moses basket) Blinding yourself with the bedroom light or struggling with the light of your phone can now be a thing of the past thanks to a nightlight that you can wear from Meelight. It’s making me look forward to the nights feeds…absolute madness, that won’t last for long don’t worry!

The Final Countdown!

I don’t feel there’s been a huge amount to update on but I’ll try to break it all down for you… So at 23 weeks it’s still so early to feel a regular pattern of movement but I wasn’t made to feel stupid or like I was wasting their time, me and my baby at 23 weeks Because I was over 28 weeks this time I was hooked up to the monitor and checked on that way (they only used a doppler last time)

A Word from Elizabeth

But throughout my treatment I carried on working for my charity Kicks Count as much as I could and 8 weeks after my ovary surgery I volunteered for Kicks Count (called Count the Kicks at the time) and eventually went on to become CEO. But every message we get that a baby is here because of kicks count is a little fist bump in his honour. If you know anyone who is pregnant please let them know about Kicks Count, from me and Toby. x

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