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Inequalities might lead to an end of the Eurozone

* Member States had fiscal discipline, keeping their public deficits and public debt low For these purposes, the European Central Bank was given a sole mandate to hit a 2% inflation target – regardless of patterns of unemployment and economic activity across the Eurozone. Since the 2008 crisis, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the European Commission, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, along with other statistics institutions within the European Trade Union Confederation, have all agreed on this fact: In 2010, with increasing fear of excessive sovereign debt, lenders demanded higher interest rates from eurozone states with high debt and deficit levels making it harder for these countries to finance their budget deficits when faced with overall low economic growth. If the policy remains the same ,the Eurozone economies will continue to stagnate in the near future, as austerity measures sustain high unemployment and falling living standards in the periphery countries, while fiscal restraint in Germany and other core countries promotes conditions of weak demand across the Eurozone.

The mysterious disappearance of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, Turkey

The incident has thrown sharp focus on Saudi Arabia’s young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s perceived crackdown on dissidents, his kingdom’s delicate relationship with Turkey, and Khashoggi ‘s influence within the royal court. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan demanded Monday that Saudi Arabia prove that journalist Jamal Khashoggi left the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on his own, as Saudi officials have repeatedly asserted, after he disappeared last week while inside the mission. Turkish officials have said they believe Khashoggi, 59, a critic of the Saudi leadership and a contributor to The Washington Post’s Global Opinions section, was killed by a team of 15 Saudis flown in specifically to carry out the attack. Turkish officials also have disseminated a report that 15 Saudi nationals flew into Istanbul on the day of Mr. Khashoggi’s disappearance and were inside the consulate when Mr. Khashoggi disappeared.

Watch “Syrie : la prison des jihadistes

THE TREATY OF LAUSANNE OF 1923 THAT PRESIDENT ERDOYAN WANTS TO CHANGE THE TREATY OF LAUSANNE OF 1923 THAT PRESIDENT ERDOYAN WANTS TO CHANGE - 143 ARTICLES That Shaped the Middle East Gun Violence in the United States (not in war) Vs Syrian Civil War death toll (officially in war since 2011) Turkey allows cannabis production under state's control in 19 provinces for medicinal and scientific purposes. Google vers votre langue préférée Cancel Post was not sent - check your email addresses!


The poem celebrates her among the many splendors of nature – – and bemoans the pain inflicted by unrequited love: With its tender flakes, snow flutters about, Keeps falling, calling out “Elif… Elif…” It was as if the poet kept traveling far and wide to make it impossible for death to catch up with him: Death, do not tire yourself out by stalking me; Be gone for a while, Death, come some other time. A beauty whose hazel eyes I love Don’t gossip about me with the world Don’t stand before me showing your white neck Don’t kill me before my fatal hour I wandered around the mountains and stopped here A beauty whose hazel eyes I love Don’t gossip about me with the world Don’t stand before me showing your white neck Don’t kill me before my fatal hour Don’t kill me before my fatal hour

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