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Wellness + Lifestyle Blog written by Jules Focused on yoga, natural skincare, real food, inspiration, wanderlust and a real approach to balanced living.

Social Audience 52K
  • Healthy Cooking and Eating
Why a Balanced Life is Overrated and What to Strive for Instead

When I started the process of quitting my job and taking my blog full-time about two years ago, I worked crazy crazy hours. I focused on my day job, but on nights and weekends, I spent almost all my free time on my blog

8 Months off the Pill: Here’s How I'm Feeling

Eight months ago I began a gut healing journey, and there’s plenty to update on! In case you missed part one, read it here. Note: I am not a doctor nor an expert in this field

5 Apps to Bring Magic to Your Life (and Your Feed!)

Hi, babes! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my favorite apps, so I thought I’d pop in and share. I love staying up-to-date with the latest and greatest tech to increase productivity, mindfulness, and spark creativity

A Complete Guide to Clean Beauty & 3 Tips for How to Transition

I dream of a world where clean and safe beauty is the gold standard. But, for that day to actually arrive, we need to vote with our dollars and support businesses that are pushing the cosmetic industry forward

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