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a blog about kids design & lifestyle. updated daily and all things cool!

Location London London
Country Sweden
Member Since AUGUST 15, 2018
Social Audience 39K
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lunamag.com Last Month
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21 sunny things for your April!

Which is very early this year, so I am hoping that the Easter Bunny will bring good surprises and a little break from our current reality. To help I gathered my latest finds and favourites: Spring is here and one easy way to give your home a little update is with prints. (In German) Looking for a little gift from the Easter Bunny? Have a look at these personalised gifts that include t-shirts, baskets and more… Perfect Spring Looks for the kids.

The boho and effortless clothes you will want to buy your kids this summer!

Are you looking for laid back, comfortable and easy to wear yet kinda cool and boho clothes for your children? Because Búho pays has a very soft spot for clothes that are effortless, well-made and that you will be happy to see your kids wearing every day. Now let’s have a look at their new Spring/Summer collection that just launched: We love creating our own motifs because it reinforces the brand’s identity and makes it even more unique.

All about Easter Bunnies!

With rabbits, eggs, lots of mellow yellow, and Spring inspiration. And since Easter will be very early this year, in fact it is only 4 weeks away, you may want to start getting your Easter Eggs in a row And why not getting the kids a quirky bunny print shirt or even funky socks? A super soft knitted rabbit will be a friend forever and that pencil drawing too.

23 happy things for your March!

And I know that maybe in your home country the situation can be very different. Maybe these tricks can help to get you started… Fun and colourful London home of artist Morag Myerscough! Colourful wall hangings for the kids room and/or any space that needs a bit of sunshine. Cool prints, beautiful silhouettes… just perfect the new collection (again) from one of my favourite Belgian brands!

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