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Scientist Side Hustle Series: Science Artist

That evidence comes in the form of (1) seeing other scientists who utilize artists to get funding or publicity about their work or (2) finding themselves getting excited about research after seeing some kind of art. And as I continue to work on the piece, I like to involve the client in my work, so I send work in progress images along the way. Just like any lab-based skill, artistic skill takes time and effort to master, but a simple workshop can really open eyes as to just how many different types of skill you need to do science art well! If you someone who doesn’t have the skill yet but has lots of connections to scientists, science communicators, etc, then you need to take time to build your skill while sharing your progress with your great connections.

Scientist Side Hustle Series: Children's Science Book Writer

Her latest book, Finch Discoveries, discusses the tale of Rosemary and Peter Grant, two scientists who studied island finch evolution. But eventually I found my voice and wrote it from the perspective of a teacher who got a grant to work with Peter and Rosemary Grant on their research. The finches went through a severe drought that lasted over a year and then later intense rains for eight months; both events changing the island, the plant sources, the seeds, the behaviors of the finches and even the beak size over generations. One can read just the bird’s story or one could read just the scientist’s story, or read them together.

How to Get Awesome, Affordable Field Gear

One thing you soon find out as a scientist (besides how easy it is to blow shit up) is that field gear can be super expensive. While fifty dollars a month may not seem like a lot, it’s one of those set and forget it budget things to where I randomly remember and it feels like Christmas. We’re also discussing adding an additional line item for equipment like backpacks in case we can snag them for a good rate. Craigslist, Offer Up and Facebook groups all have hot used field gear markets that you can find items like binoculars.

Is Beachbody A Good Side Hustle For Scientists?

Umm, I’m a broke college student who is depressed cause I am a said broke college student and all I can eat are Cheetos. After I explained that I couldn’t afford the products but thank you anyways, she mentioned I myself could start selling shakes and making extra cash, to not only cover my shakes but also enough to start making a real side income. I found an FTC article that shared that 99% of people who join MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) actually LOSE money, not make it. I realized after further research (aka going down the Google rabbit hole), that a lot of scientists actually sign up to be Beachbody coaches, despite it being an MLM.

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