Sugar free mom of 3

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Hello, my name is Maria and I have been keto for 2 years after my 12 year struggle with an eating disorder. I used to be afraid of fat now, fat is my fuel. I strive to share recipes and life as a mommy with my followers. Let’s get real. Real food. Real life.

Location Sacramento, CA
Country United States of America
Member Since JANUARY 19, 2021
Social Audience 3K Last Month
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sugar_free_momof3 5K Last Month Last 3 Months
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MCT Bars Review

The bars range from 180 calories to 190 calories and 13-14g of fat and all are 3 net carbs. The Berry beautiful- Guys this legit tastes like a blueberry muffin!!! You get that deep dark chocolate flavor and a hint of salt. I love that it has little pieces of chocolate to give it that chocolate chip feel.

Stryve Biltong Reveiw

My friends over at Stryve were nice enough to send over some of their Biltong to try. Stryves’ Biltong is made from air dried beef, their ingredients are super clean and they are all  sugar free! I loved all the flavors the Zesty Garlic had a great little kick from the garlic flavor, you get a nice hickory flavor from their Hickory flavored bitlong. I love all things spicy and let me tell you this packed bite!

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