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A Community Raising Awareness For Diabetes. Submit your story:

Social Audience 90K
  • Special Education
  • Family and Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Healthy Living
  • Medical Health
  • Diseases and Conditions
Finding the Sun Through the Rain: A Story of Diagnosis Amongst Abuse

My story is a lot like anyone’s story who was diagnosed with type one. Parents don’t know anything about the disease, brush it off thinking it’s just the flu or mono until I’m so weak I can’t stand

What It's Like To Go Through Diabetic Ketoacidosis

It’s and I’m starting to feel sick. My body feels drained and every movement feels like I’m climbing a mountain

Unanswered Prayers

Every single day since we found out we were having a baby, I prayed for God to always keep him safe and healthy. That day God didn’t answer my prayer like I wanted and asked him to. God didn’t do the one thing I had asked for every single day for more than 3 years. God didn’t keep Drake’s pancreas from failing him, but He DID give us the strength and the knowledge to keep him healthy.

The Best Diabetes Blogs

A type 1 diabetic that writes about living with many other chronic illnesses. A mom of 1 diabetic shares tips, tricks, and encouraging stories about parenting with type 1 diabetes. A type 1 diabetic blog taking the natural, holistic approach. A blogger named Sarah shares her adventurous life traveling with type 1 diabetes.

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