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Rachel Macy Stafford is the New York Times bestselling author of 3 books including HANDS FREE MAMA & ONLY LOVE TODAY. She is also a certified special education teacher and inspiring speaker.

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You See Triggered & Flawed, But Your Kids See Something Much More Important In You

The night before Natalie was going to swim in her first relay for her high school team, she panicked. It’s time to stop wondering what’s the worst I’ve left in her, And focus on the best practices we’re both learning together. It’s time to stop speculating on the damage I’ve done, And focus on the tools I’m using to get unstuck when triggered. It’s time to stop wondering if my issues will wash out in the water, And focus on the tears of redemption—the ones that spring to my eyes when I watch my child swim

Ending Your Relationship with Unreasonable Expectations (P.S. Nothing Ever Felt So Good)

While clearing out the bad energy in your life, don’t expect yourself to be the poster child for positivity. Dear friends, if this small-step, grace-filled approach to showing up for your one, precious life sounds inviting to you, register today for my transformative eight-week SOUL SHIFT journey starting January 21st. Each time course participants write to let me know how much the experience impacted their lives or describe how the process felt like it was created just for them, I know without a doubt that the struggles I’d endured were not without reward. If you just aren’t sure if SOUL SHIFT is right for you, join me for a free LIVE TEACHING VIDEO tomorrow by registering here and take a look at some of the beautiful testimonies from past participants: “Rachel opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of making the most out of my time on this earth!

Skip the New Year’s Hype to Put Peace in the Picture in 2019

All I really want to do on New Year’s Eve is wear comfy pants and hold my furry cats, knowing that at some point during the night, I’ll probably cry. Maybe it’s because it’s one night where I can feel the passing of time so intensely it hurts. Dear ones, no matter what your New Year’s Eve plan looks like, whether it be: clinking glasses with friends… kissing someone new or someone you’ve known forever… chauffeuring around your beloveds who can’t yet drive… looking at the stars and missing a section of your heart… or wearing stretchy pants with your four-legged pals, If you’ve been quietly hurting, wondering if it’s too late to ditch destructive habits and create new pathways to soul-centered joy, connection, and peace, I'm here to tell you … as long as you're still breathing, it’s not.

Notice the Tiny Detail Capable of Blanketing Your Whole Holiday In Peace

my daughter Natalie had just written a letter inviting friends and family to donate to a special celebration honoring 20 years of service and unity for a special community in Rwanda that she came to love on her Learning Trip last summer. I was in the middle of folding Natalie’s letters at one of her swim meets when Scott said, ‘Maybe instead of gifting each of my team members individually, I could consolidate that money and put it toward the Togetherness celebration. Later than night, I went to Natalie’s room. A sturdy, used vehicle was leased that will serve many and is large enough to accommodate Steven’s beautiful family, including the 14 orphaned children who he and his wife Providance have folded into their family home

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