Li Cara

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Spiritual Speaker,Author,Songwriter,Empath Unleash Your Light is about overcoming emotional obstacles that keep us separate from our own Divinity.

Member Since JANUARY 12, 2019
Social Audience 404
  • Moz DA 10
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  • Family and Relationships
You are the One

It is not up to anyone else to make you happy-to make you feel safe- to make you feel pretty or handsome-to make you feel loved-to soothe your fears… I spent years – most of my life-feeling unwanted and unloved. That also means that by changing our beliefs about ourselves we are able to access the infinite well of unconditional love. If you want a different life, start feeling differently about the life you have now and who you really are ❤

Self Validation is the Key

Breakthrough the emotional obstacles that keep you from connecting with the spiritual transformation inside you! You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at (also available in digital download for $1) Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at

Awakening knowledge

As we walk this path, our knowing returns to us. The knowledge of civilizations across the dimensional planes of ‘time’ begin to shape our interaction with our NOW. And so the wisdom of the ages is always there, awaiting your access… The more we connect with the heart of Unconditional love, the stronger our connection to the Divine energy of the universe which holds within it all memory and creation.❤

How Can I Gain Self Confidence through Unconditional Love?

You can get a FREE PDF copy of Unleash Your Light at (also available in digital download for $1) Find me at Unleash Your Light on FB I broadcast weekly shows on Facebook at The Akashic Academy You can get more info about joining The Akashic Academy at Tell ’em li sent you! The price has gone up since this video was taped-well worth every penny, though.

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