If you find yourself dealing with stubborn diaper rash read on for seven of my favorite methods for dealing with diaper rash!
Simply apply as often as directed by your pediatrician and then apply the regular diaper rash cream on the other diaper changes.
This isn’t something I would use for your standard diaper rash but if you are dealing with some sort of stomach bug or diarrhea this is great.
But when you’re dealing with a diaper rash and a child that is so raw and irritated that you don’t want to touch it even to apply rash cream this stuff comes in handy.
Lactation cookies are an easy way to boost your milk supply and there’s a million recipes online.
Increasing electrolytes usually gives my milk supply a small boost faster than the cookies but it’s not as much of an increase.
If he’s like mine, he’ll be happy to help since he knows how important your milk supply is.
A sudden milk supply increase can lead to clogged milk ducts so be sure to check out my tips for Avoiding Mastitis and Clogged Milk Ducts.
This leakage decreases the pressure exerted by the spinal fluid on the brain and spinal cord, which leads to a headache.
The anesthesiologist asked a few questions and said that it sounded like a spinal headache.
The next day (now day 6 of this headache)
The doctor advised me to pick a day, 2-3 days before my husband returned to work and if the headache was not gone by then he promised they would do a blood patch.
The ultimate goal of breastfeeding moms is to have that lovely little safety net of frozen milk for a night out, a day away or just the reassurance that should you ever need to supplement there is milk in the freezer.
Obviously the greater your milk supply the more milk you will get.
So if you only use it 4 times a day and get 2 oz each time that is 8 oz of milk per day for doing absolutely nothing!
Now, if the haakaa gets too full of milk it may fall and then your milk will spill out everywhere.