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Hi my name is Ashley Zachary, that’s A to Z cover everything you need with a little entertainment in between.

My missison is to empowering you through creativity while developing a healthy lifestyle while amplifying ones inner and outer beauty.

Vision: to provide an innovative perspective for beauty fitness and creativity.

Values: Kindness Collaboration Leadership Determination Creativity

Location long beach, CA
Country United States of America
Member Since APRIL 01, 2019
Social Audience 5K Last Month
  • Moz DA 38

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Port PHOTO Alumni Feature: Vincent Mattina

His richly detailed work transports you to an alternate reality where science, nature, and spirituality evolve. His distinctive personal style emanates a surreal and mysterious quality that evokes the spirit and atmosphere of another reality. A multiple award winner, Vincent was given 1st place at the Orange County Fair in the digital and mixed media categories every year from 2014-2016. At the end of 2016 he moved to Salt Lake City pursuing a better quality of life.

Arts Council for Long Beach Announces An Additional $450,000 for Artist COVID Relief

The City of Long Beach’s Development Services Department has partnered with the Arts Council for Long Beach to deliver phase three of the Artist COVID Relief Grant. Artists must meet the following criteria to apply: ● be a member of the Arts Council registry ● meet federal low-income thresholds and be able to demonstrate with documentation or certification Applicants will be eligible for up to $3000. We will prioritize applications by income: very low-income, low-income, moderate income, previous grantees. The artist relief fund is reflective of the Arts Council’s community orientated values in which I’m proud and grateful to be a part of!” stated Samantha Reynolds, a Long Beach artist and COVID Relief grant recipient.

Long Beach Airport Unveils Pandemic-Inspired Art Exhibit

The exhibition by local women artists, commissioned by a partnership between the airport and the Arts Council for Long Beach (ARTSLB), reflects uplifting and hopeful messages related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We Got This: Art in the Time of the Pandemic,” 20 pieces were chosen for display, with artists receiving a $500 honorarium for each piece selected by a panel consisting of representatives from LGB and ARTSLB. The focus on artists who are women is part of ARTSLB’S community work with LB Suffrage 100 in commemorating the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. We are so thankful to Long Beach Airport for partnering with us to commission such a timely exhibit and promote local women artists,” said Griselda Suarez, Executive Director for the Arts Council for Long Beach.

Port PHOTO Alumni Feature: Cindy Chow

Cindy is a photographer based out of Los Angeles who is looking to spark your imagination through her surreal photographs, stunning landscapes, and luminescent night photography. The mundanity of 9-5 office jobs inform her creative process as “not many people see things at night. ‘Lets go grab dinner,’ but never just to enjoy what the night brings”. ’s daily routines giving viewers a glimpse of her imagination at once inspiring their own.

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