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Women 2.0 is the largest global brand for women in tech. http://women2.com.

Social Audience 47K
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Purpose And Profit: How This Founder Beat Addiction To Build A Business That Makes A Difference

Four years ago, Kelsey Witherow woke up in a Barcelona hotel room without any idea how she got there. On the floor, an empty bottle of red wine refracted shards of harsh yellow sunlight

Still Learning: Accepting Emotions & Change

This piece is selected from an ongoing series, chronicling my 17 years at Google and the performance feedback that has helped to shape my career. People often wonder what has motivated me to stay so long at one company

Beyond the Wage Gap: Uprooting Hidden Gender Bias in the Workplace

Inbal Lavi, CEO of Webpals Group and Danielle Ofek, Founder of Parliament 51, share their insights on what companies should consider – and what needs to change – in the quest for gender equality at work. Although MIT insisted that office space was assigned equally, it later conceded that “administrators had included lab space in measuring office space assigned to women, but not in the measurements assigned to men. Many countries with progressive parental leave policies have increased their so-called “daddy quotas,” spurring new male parents to take more time off work, bringing paternal and maternal leave into greater balance. The HR consulting firm Mercer notes that each month of parental leave a man takes corresponds to a 7%increase in women’s salaries, highlighting just how important it is to support benefits for working moms and dads alike.

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