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6 Financial Things HBCU Men Must Do Before Getting In A Serious Relationship

Teach self-denial and make its practice pleasure, and you can create for the world a destiny more sublime that ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer. – Sir Walter Scott So you are a man now you say? You have graduated from your HBCU with degree in hand and maybe you have your dream job, maybe you are still looking, and maybe you are contemplating going to graduate school

HBCU Money’s 2019 African American Owned Bank Directory

* Only 4 of 2018’s 19 AAOBs saw increases in assets, down from 11 last year. * African American Owned Banks have approximately $4.1 billion of America’s $17.1 trillion bank assets or 0.02 percent. For comparison, Asian American Owned Banks have approximately $119.4 billion in assets spread over 75 institutions. Asian AOBs saw an increase of $7 billion increase (6.2 percent) in assets from 2018, while African American Owned Banks saw a 2.4 percent decrease in assets.

HBCU Money’s 2018 Top 10 HBCU Endowments

The past 365 days for HBCU endowments has seen a lot of press, mainly led by Bennett College’s #StandWithBennett campaign as the school is embattled and was raising money to retain its accreditation and keep the doors open. A constant reminder of the fragility of HBCUs and their financial uncertainty

HBCU Money™ Turns 7 Years Old

The past two years have been a test of mettle for HBCU Money and HBCU journalism as a whole. As journalism and media as a whole becoming an even more complicated business with much of larger media being purchased by a small class of people who can afford to pour resources into it without needing it to make any money, yet leveraging the benefits of shaping public opinion it leaves an industry in flux. HBCU media ownership has, is, and will continue to be a labor of love certainly, but if we want it to scale to the level of influence we need in our community we need to have real conversations about just how and what needs to happen for that scale to take place. At HBCU Money, I am excited for some of the things ahead that have been in the works for quite a few years on the drawing board finally getting off the board.

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