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I am a 40 year old mother of two grown boys. For the first time in my life I have the chance to chase my dreams, and turn them into reality!!!! My life has led me down so many different paths. I've been homeless, suffered through major active addiction, I deal with sever depression and anxiety, as well as deal with life threatening Illnesses. I decided it was time to make this adventure (and not always the fun kind) mean something!!!! Beauty, Makeup, Recovery, Mental Health, and Age/Body Positivity are the corner stones of the community I hope to build. We all deserve to feel beautiful and to be our true authentic selves without fear of judgement or shame! This will always be a safe space! I hope to bring together like minded people, to help raise awareness of brand inclusivity as well as the daily struggles of a recovering addict. To show the world, there is life AFTER addiction, and you dont have to be a size 2 to be beautiful! We are all unique and beautiful in our own special ways…. THIS IS THE PLACE TO CELEBRATE ONE ANOTHER, AND ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL FLAWS THAT MAKE US WHO WE ARE!!!! WELCOME TO THE BUCKEYEBEAUTE' FAMILY 🥳🥰🤗😜

Location Columbus, Ohio Mid-West
Country United States of America
Member Since JUNE 25, 2020
Social Audience 1K
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