I am a 40 year old mother of two grown boys. For the first time in my life I have the chance to chase my dreams, and turn them into reality!!!! My life has led me down so many different paths. I've been homeless, suffered through major active addiction, I deal with sever depression and anxiety, as well as deal with life threatening Illnesses. I decided it was time to make this adventure (and not always the fun kind) mean something!!!! Beauty, Makeup, Recovery, Mental Health, and Age/Body Positivity are the corner stones of the community I hope to build. We all deserve to feel beautiful and to be our true authentic selves without fear of judgement or shame! This will always be a safe space!
I hope to bring together like minded people, to help raise awareness of brand inclusivity as well as the daily struggles of a recovering addict. To show the world, there is life AFTER addiction, and you dont have to be a size 2 to be beautiful! We are all unique and beautiful in our own special ways…. THIS IS THE PLACE TO CELEBRATE ONE ANOTHER, AND ALL OF THE BEAUTIFUL FLAWS THAT MAKE US WHO WE ARE!!!!