On your first day as a salesperson, some grizzled veteran told you to sell the sizzle not the steak, but no one ever told you how... until today.
James Springer, author of The Mind Hacker's Guide to Selling and today's guest on The Get Ya Some Radio Show, says that well over 90% of all decisions are made at the subconscious level.
We talk about a quick and easy way to identify the personality type of your customer without asking them to take a 50 page personality profile exam so you can immediately start communicating with them in the way that's most likely to resonate.
We talk about how you can use body language to help understand what your customers are thinking on a subconscious level, but more importantly we talk about how our own body language affects our subconscious thinking and how we can affect our own subconscious thinking, alter patterns that are hindering our success, and actually become happier simply by changing the way we hold our heads.