Katrina Corkadel

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engineering student|coffee lover|adventurer dog enthusiast Twitter & VSCO: kcorkadel Snapchat: katcorkadel

Location Maryland
Member Since FEBRUARY 19, 2019
Social Audience 3K
  • Moz DA 1

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  • Extreme Sports
  • Travel
Vermont State Parks: Buttermilk Falls, Okemo State Forest

The weather was perfect, we went around mid-July, and it was a cool 70 degrees- perfect for hiking! There’s not noticeable trail markers on trees, but the path was very well kept and fairly easy to follow. There were tons of gorgeous small pools of water throughout the stream that would be perfect to swim in on a warmer day (it happened to be rainy and 65 degrees on this particular day). On a warm day, Buttermilk Falls would be the perfect place for a picnic and a swim, I am so lucky I got to experience such a beautiful place!

Maryland State Park Series: Sugarloaf Mountain

I have decided to do a Maryland State Park series where Simon (my best friend and boyfriend) and I will go to every state park in Maryland over the next few months and give an honest review, including trail tips, general park advice, and must see spots. Something important I would like to point out is that the park closes quite early on weekdays, we went on a Thursday and the park closed at 4pm, so if you are planning on going, I would definitely recommend leaving earlier than later so you have plenty of time to enjoy the mountain. When you reach the circle, drive towards the second entrance of the circle, which will lead you past a building that asks for park donations, and has signage stating park closing times, etc. There was an option to hike from the base to the top of the mountain, which is the blue trail head which is approximately 6 miles total round trip and then there are tail options further up the mountain that you can start on if you’re short on time.

Starting a Blog: Why?

I am someone who likes to learn, I like to read about new things, places- really anything that catches my eye. Writing is not something new for me, over the past few years I have written on and off and did not make much time for it, but now, I think I am ready to be consistent and stick with it because it brings me so much joy and excitement to write. My goal for my life is to be able to experience new things, whether far way, or in my hometown, all with the budget of a part time job :). My goal is to inspire people to change up their routine, and get motivated to try new things and bring some fun and creativity into their lives-because it is very, very easy, to not make time for new experiences.

Welcome to My Life

My name is Katrina, and I am an engineering student at AACC working on my associates degree and am transferring to the University of Maryland for their civil engineering/environmental engineering program, spring of 2020. I love the outdoors, growing up I was always outside until the street lights came on. My hobbies are snowboarding, hiking, writing, and music. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

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