Claire Rocks

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Freelance Writer, Blogger, Childcare Provider, Relax Kids Coach

Location Darlington
Country United Kingdom
Member Since MAY 13, 2020
Social Audience 14K Last Month
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this_mummy_rocks 9K Last Month Last 3 Months
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How To Improve Your Side Hustle and Turn It Into a Full Business

Whether you start attending bakery classes to improve your cafe or study leadership skills online, there are plenty of resources out there (both paid and free!) that can turn you into a more informed and skilled entrepreneur. Take advantage of all the software and cloud-based services that you can Cloud-based services generally just mean any kind of software tool that is usable online. In most cases, this can refer to things like cloud accounting software that makes it easy for you to manage your finances, but it can also mean online website builders and content management systems. Most people underestimate the amount of time it takes to manage a side hustle and this can cause it to take far more time than it should.

How To Manage Your Side Hustle With Your Day Job

Many people start their own business as a side hustle at the same time as continuing to stay at their day jobs. For many, the goal is to eventually leave their day job, whereas others like to earn money from a hobby as some extra cash. you’re working your regular hours in your day job, and then spending your off-hours working on your side business idea or studying new skills like a guide to jamstack. The time spent working on both a day job and a side hustle can be tough and you can easily become burnt out.

Home Safety Tips

Simple steps, like being careful about what you share online or putting in cavity fire barriers, can big a difference in how safe your home is. In What You Share Online People share a lot of information on social media sites, often unwittingly. If you post an item for sale on eBay or a similar website, a burglar with a geo-tag reader will know the exact location of the item that you are selling and may decide to come and get it. Even the best locks won’t help if you don’t use them, so make sure you lock every window and door, including garage doors and storm doors every night and every time you leave the house.

The Little Considerations You Should Take When Moving To The Country

While online shopping delivery can help you take care of your less vital needs, if you do have someone in the family who needs regular care, then you might want to consider making sure that you are close to the kind of medical facilities that you need. The work that comes with it Simply put, if you live in an area that is surrounded by nature, you’re going to have to do a lot more maintenance to make sure that nature doesn’t encroach on your home. Being closer to wildlife and being able to see more candid scenes of nature is one of the greatest benefits of living in the country, there is no doubt about that. Even if there no dangerous animals living near you (and you should check to make sure, educating yourself on any risks), you could still be much more prone to run ints with rodents, raccoons, bats, and other household pests that might require some wildlife control services.

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