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Perlu Pulse score measures how active a member is on Perlu, on a scale of 0 to 100. exposes the good & bad of travel & shares real life experiences, while focusing more on the experience than the destination itself.The 1st episode was filmed in August 2009 in Spain featuring the famous La Tomatina festival.

Member Since NOVEMBER 13, 2018
Social Audience 19K
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Tips for Essential Travel During a Pandemic

For Canadian travellers, most importantly, you should know that the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) has instituted a number of measures to ensure your security screening experience is as safe and secure as possible. ’s 15 busiest airports passengers will have their temperature checked when they arrive at the screening checkpoint. when possible While waiting in line at the security screening checkpoint all passengers must keep a distance of two metres between themselves and other passengers. Air travel is an essential service, ensuring people and goods get to where they need to go, and CATSA has taken every step possible to ensure this happens safely.

Best Things To Do In Colombo, Sri Lanka For an Exhilarating Trip

To Do In Colombo, Sri Lanka For an Exhilarating Trip Colombo is the capital city of Sri Lanka and is home to over 750,000 people. Before you head off to explore everything this beautiful island country has to offer stay a few days and enjoy the best things to do in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Green Night Market is a great place to sample some of Sri Lanka’s most famous street food. The Eat, Eat, Repeat Food Tour with a local gives you the chance to eat traditional Sri Lankan food, with the guidance of someone who knows what they’re talking about.

Nova Scotia Craft Spirits Festival

The Nova Scotia Craft Spirits Festival also known as Spirited Away is a celebration of all things craft spirits. In 2019 the NS Craft Spirits Festival featured spirits from Compass Distillers, Still Fired Distillers, Authentic Seacoast, Raging Crow Distillery, Barrelling Tide Distillery, Coldstream Clear Distillery, Steinhart Distillery, Tipping Point Distillers and Ironworks Distilling. At the distillers market there was live music, oysters from Dory Mates Seafood Shop, craft spirits related books for sale and tables selling spirits from all of the local distillers. The distillers are also located all over the province so this is truly the best time to find about a new local craft spirit, meet the distillers, find your favorites and everything they offer all in one spot.

Malpeque Oysters: All You Need To Know

If you’re wondering where to find the best PEI oysters, then look no further than Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island. Being named the World’s Best Oyster by the World’s Fair in 1900 skyrocketed the Malpeque oyster in popularity around the world. The Malpeque oyster is served best at it’s freshest in PEI but is also shipped around the world. In fact, the Malpeque Oyster is one of the main reasons that PEI has developed a reputation as being Canada’s Food Island.

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